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Well, im finally here.
Ready for whatever LA has to offer me. Im so excited to meet some of my fans from my youtube channel, I wouldnt be here if it wasnt for them!

I head to my apartment to get unpacked and  prepped for my meet and greet at the beach tomorrow... i cant wait!!! I hope this move to LA will help me gain more fans and meet new people who i will become great friends with. 

Why LA? Why was LA so special to me? Why did i choose LA over all the other countries in the world? I came here hoping to meet my youtube idols..... Ethan and Grayson Dolan.

They are so special to me, i am there age i was one of their first subscribers and when i started watching there YouTube videos and vines i got inspired to do the same when they hit 1 million subscribers and at least 2k likes on every video; thats how i ended up having a meet and greet with some of my 500thousand subscribers and fans.

When i first announced that i was doing a meet and greet in LA for them my fans started a trend #savannahmeetandgreetinLA which hit number one on twitter after 3 days of it starting. I am so thankful to all of 'em and im so stoked to show them how much i really appreciate them!

On of the other reasons i moved here was because i needed to leave new Jersey, i couldnt handle being there any longer after what i had experienced. I loved new jersey until  that happened to me and what i had to go through.

I am now 16 and im going to turn 17 in a few months. I earn money for my videos and subscribers from youtube so thats how i can afford to live here in LA on my own. Leaving my mum and sister was the hardest thing i had to do when i went through with the plan to move here. I had helped support my family as well as working a job to earn some extra money for them, i left them $5000 so they could come and visit while Rhiannah was on school break which was in about 4 months. I plan to send them some money every few weeks when i get a job down here. I love them so much, we have been through so much together and it was the first time i had moved away from them so mum would be struggling handling my cheeky sister al on her own as well as working 2 jobs for the money.

I decided to go for a walk outside and find a place to eat so i head to the elavator waiting for it to come up i quickly went to grab my phone that i left on the kitchen bench. Not watching where i was going i ran into someone, we both felm to the ground.....

"Are you alright" a deep voice asked as they go up.

It sounded like a dude..

"Yeah im all good, im so sorry i...." i paused in shock  when i saw who it was...... it was HIM!

Hay guys, its me the author, this is my very first book and i know this is a really short and shitty chapter so i want to know your opinion on it....


Life in LA |Ethan.D|Where stories live. Discover now