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"Ouch!" I yelled as i fell off my bed hitting my head on the side table.

" omg im so sorry i didnt mean to hurt you" grayson said helping me up. Ethan noticed a bit of blood on the side of my head and hepled me get ckeaned up, grayson felt so guilty but i was fine and told him it was  all good, Once we had breackfast we all got ready. I felt like going full out adidas today so i wore an adidas shirt with denim shorts and my adidad shoes. I tied half my  beautiful hair up in a bun leaving the rest of it to fall on my shoulders (photo shown above), i grabbed my black adidas bag chucked it over my shoulder and walked in to the lounge room where the boys were staring at me as i came out of my room.

"Is it too much"

"No your good" the boys said in usion still staring at me. I decided to lightly slap em in the  face to wake up, they both groaned and we started heading out. Before i got out of the door ethan grabbed my waist and turned me around giving me the biggest smooch i uave ever received. We both smiled and started walking out together; ethan with his arm around my shoulders. Our apartment is so close to everything we arrived at school within 5 minutes. When we walked in the gates every one e
Was staring at me and the twins, they all started wispering and then some people came over and asked me if i was Savannah Clair, at first i was shocked at the fact that they even knew me and then they started telling me they were big fans and asked if i would be there friends.


"Your well known around here and you just got here" the twins laughed as we walked through the front door towards the office to get my locker and classes. After finally finishing up my chat with the principal i rejoined the boys who were outside the office talking with the schools foot ball team. Ethan and grayson were the captains of the team and they have played since they started at this school, they have been captains for 3 years now and this year they are so excited to leave school with such a good reputation. They were the most popular kids in school so everyone wanted to be there friends but i heard that something happened last year and nate garner took over the popularity lead and he was also on the team. I walked over and nate noticed me first because the twins had their backs to me. When nate called me over he huged me and so did grayson then i walked and stiod next to ethan, he placed a gentle kiss on my forhead and put his arm around me. I stayed there and met all the boys in the team.


The bell rang and my first class was with nate so we walked their together after i gave the boys a hug and kissed ethan and told him i would meet at my locker. Science was my first class and it was my top class so i got put in the exrension when the principal looked at my previous eeport card shocked to see all my marks were A's. He put me in all extension classes which sucks for ne because i hoping to have easy classes that i didnt have to really try in but guess thats not gonna happen this year. It was my last year of high school so i needed to make it count. When i got into science evertone wanted me to sit next to them but i decided to sit with this girl who looked like she had been crying. I introduced my self and she introduced herself. Her name was Daisy sterns and she was my age. She was in the schools band and she was very kind. We were instant friends, i asked her why she was upset. At first she resisted but she had that look in her eyes that said she knew she could trust me and told me everything that happened. I told her i was there for her and im her friend so she will be fine as long as im around and im not going anywhere. I couldnt believe what she had told me, her and her boyfriend had been together through all of highschool and they had moved in together and everything. On day she went to work and she got fired, then when she came hime she caught her boyfriend in bed with her bestfriend and she got kicked out. That day she lost everyone and never tristed anyone since me, she had to move back in with her family that hadnt spoken to her for a year and then yesterday she foind out her ex bestfriend was pregnant with her ex boyfriends kid. I told her she can move in with me if she wanted, she said yes of course asked when she can move; i told her she can move today if she wants to. She was so excite then the bell rang i told her i was meeting my boy friend at my  locker if she wanted to join us at lunch , she said yes then we started walking out when nate caught up with us. I gave him a hug and daisy asked if he was my boyfriend, nate and i laughed shaking our head no

"No way, nates just a really good friend... ethan is my boy friend"she stood there still as if she were paralised


"yea...." she screamed in excitement and went on saying that he was the he was one of the hottest boys in the school but not as hot as grayson. I told her that we were neighbors but ethan usually sleeps at my place and she F-R-E-A-K-E-D! To be honest it was funny seeing her reaction. We got to my locker amd waited for ethan and grayson. Grayson coveres my eyes and wispered in my ear

"Guess who"

"Grayson" he uncovered my eyes and sais how did you know sarcastically then we hugged and i introduced daisy and grayson knowing they would hot it off then i felt someone grab my waist;  it was ethan and he turned me to face him then kissed me. When we finally stopped kisong i closed my locker and we all went  to the school cafe where ethan and i  got a caramel late while grayson and daisy ordered a tall cappuccino. When we got our drinks i lead them all to the table where all the footbalk players sat. On my way there the popular girls came over to me and asked me if i wamted to hang out with them i said maybe another time but we can be friends and we exchanged numbers so we could hang out another time. They seemed really nice, everyone wanted to be my friend and they all asked me to be their friends and for my number and stuff, that lunch i got 80 different peoples numbers and after we sat down i checked my next classes and i had ethan in everyone of my classes except science and math which are the only two classes i have with daisy.


Me and ethan started to head to english which was really boring, thankgod ethan was in my class to make it interesting. It was time to head to our next class; music, i dont mind music, i was quirmte popular last year for my singing  and i got A's every time. My music teacher got everyone to represent a song infront of the class to see how musically talented we are. Ethan had to go third and i was right after him, we had 5 minutes to practice our perfermance. When it finally came to ethans turn he decided to play a song called payphone by maroon 5 on the guitar; he was actually really good and when he was finished he got an applause by the class and i screamed out his name adding a 'yewww' at the end. It was my turn and with my history of singing i decided to sing my own acoustic version of the song titanium and because i enjoyed listening to the guitar i also chose to play it while i sang my song to the class, no one was really paying attention when i first got up on stage but when i strummed the first line on my guitar everyone looked at me in amazement and when i started sining they all started cheering and when i fin8shed i got a standing ovation with shocked faces all over the room. My teacher had said i was the best pefirmer she had ever had. When music was over every one in the class came over to me and complemented my talent. When ethan and i were out in the hall he pulled out his phone and showed me a video he took of mesinging and he asked me to post it on my youtube channel. Shit today was Wednesday and i post every  thursday so i had one day to record and edit the video. I agreed to make a video called 'Savannah Claire sings' where i show the fans the video and do a performance win the video. I thanked ethan for the idea, ethan had the video on his instagram; with malreadypostedy permission of course and it went viral over the time of the lunch break. Math was boring as usual but when it was finally over i walked home with daisy and the twins, i walked with ethan while daisy walked with grayson in front of us. Ethan and i looked at eachother and laughed knowing exactly what we were both thinking. When we got home i went straight in my room to get my camera, daisy helped film it and when it was finished i went to edit it and daisy called the removalist and got all her main things like clothes and her bed. I stopped editing half way to help daisy get all her thinhs and make her new home feel like home. By the time we finished it was 1:47am and we had school in the morning so we went straight to bed where ethan already was when he came over at 9:30 after spendi g the night with grayson watching movies. I tried to get in bed as quiet as i can and when i got in ethan softy kissed my head and pulled me in to his arms cuddling me all night.

Hay guys i hope you liked this  hapter it is a bit longer  than the others. Can you pleas vite and comment your thoughts and how i can make it better.


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