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I woke up to ethan squeezing me in to a tight hug placing a sloppy kiss on my lips. I love waking up to this, it just makes my day more happier. I got up and went straight to my computer to finish editing and uploaded my video, while i was waiting for the video to finish upliading i checked my phone and i had like 1000 notifications for my twitter with everyone tweeting the hashtag- #savannahclairethursday. All my fans get excited on Thursday and always tweet that waiting for my video, i xhecked all my sicial medias and i now have  7.5k followers on instagram, 8.3 followers in twitter and now 936 000 subscribers on youtube. Where the fuck did all the fans come from i squeal with excitement.  I had school today so i got ready to leave in twenty minutes. Instead of straightening my hair like i usually do i kept my wavy hai today and wore a white long sleeve shirt with black leggings and white converse. I put on some light make up and chucked on a grey cap just for accessories.  (Photo below)

As i was walking out the door my phone kept non-stop buzzing so i quickly checked what it was

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As i was walking out the door my phone kept non-stop buzzing so i quickly checked what it was. My fans were going crazy about my recent upload so i chose to ignore them until lunch or after school. Today was my second day and as i walked through the gated everyone waved or said hi to me, even people from other grades. We had an assembly today about school captains and leaders. Anyone who wanted to tun for catain had two hours to prepare a speech, me and ethan chose to go for it just for the fun of it. We worked on our speeches together in the library while 30 other student were also working on their speech. We finally finished and practised presenting it to eachother quietly, we practised so much that by the time of the assembly we knew it off by heart. Ethan and i were the sixth and seventh people presenting our speech. After listening to a bunch of peoples speeches and ethans, which was the best in my eyes, it was my turn to present it :

"Good morning my fellow students, staff members snd parents who have gladly joined this assembly "

"My name is Savannah Claire and im a new student here at this well presented school  and you're probably all l thinking why am i up here presenting a speech to be this schools school captain this year when i havent been to this school a week little own 4 years like all the other representatives joining me on this stage all running for the same position as i am: school captain"

"Most of you probably have no clue who i am, you might already be thinking about someone else to choose but im standing up here talking to all of you today because i believe i can make the best out of this school"

"Now im not going to go on and on and on about what i will do and how good i am because im not up here to boast about myself,  im up here because i know whats good for this school and what isnt"

"If you beleive in doing good in this school then plase write 'Savannah Claire' on your voting sheets"

"Thank you all for giving me a chance to present myself to you all even if you had no choice "

I laugh at the end bowing to the audience as they stand and cheer my name, i head back to my seat while waiting for others to finish their speeches.after listeni g to 20 other speaches it was now time to vote; my vote went to ethan of course. We all got told to go to our normsl classes for the rest of the day and they will announce the school captains over speaker once all the votes have been counted. My schedule shows that i have science then music folllowing a lunch. I had already missed 23minutes of science so it seemed like a really short class, i went to music and met up with ethan just as we walked through the doors and sat together. The teacher came in and read out the list of people who would be presenting the class in a band on each instrument:

"Jonah samuels will be playing the drums"

"The two back up singers are haylee lines and karleen wright"

"The electric guitarist will be Ethan dolan"

"Last but not least the accoustic guitarist AND lead singer will be.......Savannah Clair" everyone clappes when my name was called. As the lead singer i had until next lesson to write a song that the band will be playing in the competition of all music classes. Ethan said he would help me because he is the best boyfriend ever. It was niw lunch so we all went and got our usual drinks, i got my own table where everyone wanted to sit with me. I already sit with nate, grayson, daisy and my awesome boyfriend ethan of course and whoever was first in best dressed sat with us, i was well known all over school already and i was getting called the most popular girl in school. Everyone in the cafeteria went quiet as the principal spoke through the speaker:

"Good afternoon students and staff members, all the votes have been counted up and the i have to two new school captains names in my hand"

"with 88 votes our male representative is..........Ethan dolan" everyone clapped as his name got called out

"And the female representative who won the role of school captain with 107 votes is....... SAVANNAH CLAIRE!" everyone cheered for me, ethan and i were so happy that we were the school captains together. We both hugged and kissed for a few seconds, with everyone staring at us they went 'ooohhh' and we broke apart and laughed. Every one knew we were together and we were the most popular couple in the entire school. I grabbed my phone out to call mum and tell her the good news then saw all these notifications on youtube and twitter about my newest video and how im such a good dinger and they want more. Before calling mum i quickly announced my school captaincy role and thst i will do a live stream at 4:25pm after school. I kept getting notifications after i tweeted that.  Then i called mum and told her EVERYTHING that has happened lately which is that i now have an iPhone 7 and that ethan is my boyfriend, she squeled through the phone bursting my ear drum when i told her i was school captain with ethan and that i got the most votes and how well everything'sbeen going. She was over the moon about it all and was so proud of me, i miss her so much and could have talked on the phone all day with her but i had to leave and get to my last class of the day. I told her about my live stream and she said rhiannah would watch it, i havent spoken to her since i moved here so im going to call her after school.


Finally schools over. I met ethan at the locker and saw grayson and daisy walking together. When wegot home daisy went and watched a movie with grayson in his apartment so ethan stayed with me. I called my sister and spoke to her for AGES and told her i had to go and do my live stream she said she loves me and that she would see me on my live video and requested i sing her fav song waves and i told her i would do my best. I set up my camera and started my live video, i had 27 000 joined and commenting their thoughts. Altogether i sang a total of 17 which took until 5:07pm and by the end i had 52 thousand people joined watching me. I went to finish u o but first i had a few announcements to tell my fans first

"Thank you guys so much for watching and supporting me i am so greatful to all of you! now i have a few important and exciting announcements to make first........"

Hay guys trying to make all my chapters longer now, my next one will be smaller though becsuse there isnt much going to happen in it im trying to think of things to add to it  but im not too sure yet. Vote and comment yoyr thoughts


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