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"Yea im all good, i am so sorry i....." i paused as i looked up to see who it was..... it was HIM!

He helped me back to my feet and made sure i was alright, i just stood still and stared in shock for a few seconds before i replied

"Yes thank you i am so clumsy i didnt mean to i hope your alri...." he giggled and interupted before i could apologise

"Its alright im fine, i think you took a harder hit then i did anyway" we both giggled

"Anyway i am Ethan and i live in that apartment with my twin brother Grayson" he smiled pointing towards the apartment next to mine

"I am Savannah, i just moved into that apartment next door and i watch your videos all the time you have inspired me and gave me ideas for my channel" i smiled back

"Oh your a youtuber too?" He asked

"Yeah, i post every  thur......" he interupted me again but i didnt really mind, he has such a sexy deep voice

"Holy shit are you Savannah claire"  he asked excitedly

"Wait, you know who i am?" I questioned him

"Are you kidding me! #savannahmeetandgreetLA was the number one trend on twitter as soon as you announced it, you are pretty famous so of course i know you!"  We laughed together

"I guess but in not quite as famous as i want to be and i wouldnt be here if it wasnt for you and gray; yous are my idol and inspiration and i have drempt meeting you both ever since i started watching your vids and vines and if im being COMPLETELY honest i may or may not have a major crush on you or grayson "  we both blushed until

" ok bro you rea... who is this" grayson asked with a big smirk on his face

"This is Savannah Clair"

"As in the famous you tuber coming here for the meet and greet on the beach tomorrow"

"Yea bro"

"NO WAYY"  Grayson  screamed and hugged me

" we so need to catch up some time"

"Yea for sure" i winked at them both and they just laughed

" so what are you doing here, are you visiting a friend or something" grayson queried

" no i actually just got here like 1 hour ago and i live in that apartment right next to yours"

"Siiick we are neighbors" grayson exclaimed, i couldnt help but giggle

"Hay do ya wanna join us for pizza right now" Ethan asked all smiley and happy

"I would love to" i smiled and we all headed back to the elavator after i quickly grabbed my phone watching where i was going this time making sure i didnt run into any one else, we caught an uber and i exchanged numbers with the boys. We all got out of the uber and Grayson went to order the pizza while Ethan and I went to grab a seat. When Grsyson got back we started talking about eachothers life... well i told them about how i became famous and when i first started becoming popular then they told me about how they decided to make youtube vids and do vines, then we spoke about our life and our interests and it turns out we have heaps in common. We were instant friends, once we all finished our pizza we all headed back and they invited me in to their apartment to hang, i know this will sound insane but i politely declined and told them i had to decorate and unpack all my things. They actually offered to helo me and of course i said yes, half way during helping me unpack they had this brilliant idea to make a video about them trying in girl products and guessing what they were.

After filming the vid we spent another half hour unpacking and we were all finished. Im so lucky to have them, they are way better i  person. They re-offered me to join them in their apartment to watch a movie and of course i said yes! We walked into their apartmemt and i helped ethan pick the movie while grayson cooked pocorn. We chose to watch paranormal activity 4.. well ethan chose and i agreed even though im not much of a horrir fan, i went and sat on the couch checking my twitter and instagram while ethan put the movie in and started setting it up; just as he finished getting it ready grayson came in with the popcorn. Grayson sat on the black beanbag and i thought ethan would sit on the blue one but instead he sat on the couch next to me, grayson looked at him confused at first but then he smirked winking at ethan. Ethan rolled his eyes then they both laughrd.

" just saying guys, i can get scared really easily  so...." i said awkwardly then ethan responded

" its alright baby i got you"

"What did you call me" i laughed and he blushed. He pressed play on the movie and we began to watch it, whenever there was a scary bit i either jumped or screamed and whenever that hapened ethan put his arms around me pulling me in to his chest saying "i got you baby" , this time not being embarresed when he said it. It was so comforting and i think it might have been the best  horror movie i had ever seen because i was with ethan, after a while the movie finished and i said to the boys-

"if i have a nightmare tonight i am coming in here and waking yous both  up" we all laughed for a while then i stopped when i was suprised at what ethan had asked me....

Hay guys, its me the author! So i know this was mainly diologue and no description and it was very shity and short as well but as i said previosly this is my first book and i am also hoping to update writing two chapters every night!


Life in LA |Ethan.D|Where stories live. Discover now