14 3 1

I was so stunned...happy...excited... every word you could think of that matches my happiness. I was so caught up in my thoughts that ethan had to snap his fingers in my face to wake me up from my day dream and he asks me

"Will you be my girlfriend" thats the second time, i pinch myself just to make sure im not dreaming, he giggled and i didnt say anything i just smashed my lips against his and he smiles knowing my answer. When we finished our intense make out session we started heading back to the apartment. When we got back we went into my apartment and decided to open up the boxes he got for us both....

"I saw your old iPhone 4s and how stressed out you were with it and my phone is getting old-ish and so i decided to get us both and iPhone 7 rose gold 128gb.."

I screamed so loudly grayson came in my apartment worried that something bad was happening to me, he panted as he came stopped and leaned over with his hand on his chest saying

"You gave me a f***ing HEART atack" me and ethan laughed at him, graysoj looked up and saw outlr new iPhone 7 and gave ethan the 'what about me' look knowing that he brought it for me. Before any of us said anything ethan grabbed out another box and gave it to grayson; grayson was so happy and thankful he was aboit to tackle his brother down but stopped

"You got your ears pierced? ....WITHOUT ME!?" ethan nodded yes then gray looked over at me noticing my nose AND belly button peircing looking suprised

"Dont worry gray, i only got my nose fone and if you had looked at me this morning  when you said hi you wouldve noticed my belly button people just like E did"

"Yea gray and thats how i finally decided i wanted to get my ears pierced. V was there for me the entire time and you were right...didnt hurt a bit"

"Ok well what else did i miss out on today?"grayson raised an eyebrow and wthan and i stared at eachother before  e topd gray what happened...

"Dont worry bro you didnt miss out on anything much, we wnt for a long walk on the beach to start off the day then i asked V if she would like to go on a date with me to the water park" ethan stopped to take a breath before continuing; grayson looking at us wide eyed "after spending like 3 hours at the water park we went to the botanical gardens and thats when we got out nose and ears pierced, i went shopping to get food and stuff for the picnic that we had at the Hollywood sing at sunset which is when i gave her the iPhone and also asked her to be my girlfriend and that when she gave me the answer..."

"And what was the answer"

"She said yes you dummy...well actually i had to ask her twice because she thought she was dreaming and pinches herself, although she said yes it wasnt just a simple 'yes', she smashed her lips in to mine and we had a full on ma...." graysob interupted him not needing to know the juicy details between his twin bro and new best friend. I hugged him when he said i was his bestfriend because he was mine too.

"So are you coming with me E or what"

"Nah im gonna sleep the night at Vannahs tonight"

"Ok well im coming in at 6 in the morning to wake yoy up gor school so you better be dressed" oh sh*it! F***ing school... i already hate it enough little own being the new girl. Ethan hugged me and wispered to me that everyone will love me and i will be fine, its like he read my mind. After our new phones were set up we both agreed to go to bed but first i had to call mum first to tell her everything and tell her thay tomorrows my first day. She was so happy for me and left me saying goodnight.

When i hoped into bed where ethan aleady was i got comfortable resting on his chest, she cuddled me pulling me in closer and holding me tighter plopping a soft kiss on my forhead

"Goodnight babe"

So sorry for the short chapter but i hope yoy enjoyed it please leave your thought in comments and vote goodnight


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