Chapter 1

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"Are you sure you packed everything?" Mom questioned, her eyes fixated on the road ahead.

"I did."

"Did you take the first aid kit?"

"It's the first thing I packed."

"I packed some extra underwear and socks for you. Oh and don't forget to take your vitamins everyday," she glanced over at me before taking a turn into another road.

"Mom I'm not a child anymore I think I can take care of myself," I sighed crossing my arms over my chest, "Plus, I'm not moving across the country. It's like 30 minutes away from our house."

We halted to a sudden stop in front of my new apartment building.

"I know dear, but I'll miss you so much."

"I'll miss you too mom," I gave her a quick hug before grabbing my things and walking into the huge building as her car sped off.

I took out the crumbled peace of paper that was shoved in my back pocket. "Apartment number 508 on the fifth floor."

Pulling my huge suitcase behind me and with my laptop in my hands I walked into the elevator. "Ugh my glasses are so blurry."
Taking them off to clean them, the glasses slipped from my hands and fell on the ground.

I cursed under my breath before bending over. As I was about to pick them up someone walked into the elevator and accidentally stepped on them shattering the glass.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry." His deep voice filled my ears.

I couldn't exactly make out how he looked like because well I'm practically blind now, but he looked young.

"It's okay," I managed to blurt out. Wow it's my first day here and something bad already happened. You could say I have the worst luck ever. "I have some contact lenses it's not a big deal."

He bent down to grab my glasses before giving them to me.

"Thanks," I mumbled.

"So, which floor are you going to?" He asked standing next to me.

I just realized I haven't even pressed my floor button.

"The fifth floor."

"Oh cool that's my floor. I guess we're neighbors then," he chuckled before pressing the floor button. "Are you new here?"

"Yeah, I just moved here." I scratched the back of my head. It's really uncomfortable when you're talking to a person you can't really see properly.

"It must be really uncomfortable without your glasses huh?"

Wow he read my mind.

The elevator doors finally opened showing our floor.

"Tell you what," he starts as we exit the elevator together, "how about I give you a tour of this place to make up for breaking your glasses?"

"Sure," I smile.

He was about to walk away when I stop him.

"Wait! You didn't tell me your name."

"It's Grayson." Even with my blurry vision I could still see his perfect smile.

"Blake," I extend my hand for him to shake which he happily accepts. "Can I ask you for a favor?"


"Can you tell me where apartment 508 is? I can't really see."

* * *

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