Chapter 3

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"No! Why did he have to die!" I cried as I threw popcorn at my T.V.

That's basically what I do all day. Watch sad movies in my sweats as I eat junk food. I really have to start working out again. Things just haven't been the same these days. I sighed as I switched off the T.V. I feel lonely. I really need to get myself a cat to keep me company.

As I was scrolling through my phone I heard three knocks on my door. I opened the door to a really anxious Grayson.

"Hey, uh can I ask you for a fa- wait are you crying?"

"No," I mumbled wiping the tears from my face. I probably look disgusting right now. "What's up?"

"Well it's actually for Ethan."

I waited for him to complete.

"He has a girl over and she's refusing to leave. Can you possibly pretend to be his girlfriend and maybe then she'll leave?"

Well, that's one hell of a favor. You know what? I'll do it. I need a little fun in my life anyway.

And before I knew it I'm dragged into their apartment. What's with these twins and them dragging me everywhere?!

I was faced with a black haired bimbo wearing a really short dress like, really short. Her ass and boobs were basically sticking out. And beside her sat an unimpressed Ethan.

"You should leave," he sighed.

"Oh come on. I promise I'll be good."

Is that her attempt of flirting?

"Come on pretend to be angry at him for cheating," Grayson whispered to me.

Let's just get this over with.

"Ethan!" I yelled stomping my feet on the wooden floor as I approached him making him jump up from his place. "Who the hell is she?!"

"Who the hell am I? Who the hell are you?!" She snapped back.

I glanced over at Ethan, who seemed to understand what I was doing, then back at her. "I'm his girlfriend."

She scoffed, "why would he date someone like you? I mean have you even looked at yourself in the mirror?"

That's it.

"If you don't leave now I'll be happy to throw you out myself," I growled.

I quickly turned to Ethan. I gotta make this seem realistic somehow. Biting my lip I raised my hand and slapped him right across the face. Not too hard, but hard enough to make it seem like I'm angry.

"This just got way too intense. I'm leaving," she grabbed her purse and ran out the door.

The room fell silent. I can't believe I just did that.

"Damn," Ethan spoke with a smirk plastered across his face, "Who knew little miss innocent could do that."

I gotta admit, that was awesome!

"Thanks for helping out. I knew I could count on you," Grayson smiled patting me on the shoulder.

"I'm glad I was able to help," I smiled awkwardly shoving my hands in my pockets. "I better get going now."

"Wait!" Grayson called out for me. "We ordered pizza for dinner, wanna join?"

* * *

I ate my slice of pizza silently listening to the twins' conversation as we sat on the floor facing each other.

"Do you guys wanna go swimming in the pool afterwards?" Grayson questioned. He looked at Ethan who nodded then at me waiting for an answer.

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