Chapter 2

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Loud thumping and music woke me up from my deep sleep. I reached for my glasses, but then remembered what happened to them. I grunted before grabbing my phone to look at the time. 2AM. I didn't even take out my contact lenses before going to sleep. Where the hell is this noise coming from?!

Walking out of my apartment I headed towards the direction of the noise. The twins' apartment. Annoyed I knocked on the door until someone finally opened.

"Hey babe," Ethan leaned on the frame of his door wearing a tank top that showed his huge biceps. Total Fuckboy.

"Can you please turn the music down? I'm trying to sleep here." I tried my best to be nice.

"Why don't you join us?" And before I could answer he grabbed my wrist pulling me into his apartment.

The place was packed with people dancing, drinking, and making out. Most of the people here are already passed out on the floor. I haven't been to a party like this before and I'm not sure how I feel about it. I get really bad anxiety when I'm around a crowd of people. I breathed out shoving my clammy hands into my back pockets.

"Hey Gray your girlfriend is here," Ethan pushed me onto a shirtless Grayson who was sitting on the couch.

I accidentally touched Grayson's chest from Ethan's push, but I quickly stood up as I felt my cheeks burning up.

"Hey Blake, what brings you here?"

"Can you guys please turn the music do-" I was cut off by a cold liquid being spilled all over my back and chest.

"Sorry," I turned around seeing a dude holding an empty cup.

I have the worst fucking luck ever.

"Hey dude watch where you're going!" Grayson yelled at the guy.

Great. Now I'm standing in the middle of a party with my clothes soaking wet.

I felt a tug on my arm. "Let's get you cleaned up," Ethan says.

Dragging me to his room he tosses me a clean t-shirt, "Wear this."

"You know this is your fault right? You were the one who brought me here."

"You better change quickly cause I could totally see your bra underneath your white shirt and it's a bit distracting," he smirked.

I quickly covered my chest with my arms. "Turn around."

Making sure he wasn't looking I took off my clothes and put on his shirt that was super baggy on me.

"Can I turn around now?"


I yawned feeling my eyes getting heavy. I couldn't even stand straight so I just sat down on his bed.

"If you wanted to sleep here you could've just said so," he chuckled.

"Are you flirting with me?"

"It is working?"

"Shut up," I grabbed one of the pillows and threw it on him.

* * *

I was woken up by the sudden ringing of my phone.

"Hello?" I answered sleepily.

"Blake! Where are you?! I've been standing for like 20 minutes outside of your apartment door," my mom yelled through the phone. It was 10AM now.

Wait, this is not my room. I took a moment to take in my surroundings. Shit. In a second I jumped from the bed and ran out the room.

"Good morning sunshine," I was greeted by a shirtless Ethan cooking breakfast, "not staying for breakfast?"

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