Chapter 24

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"W-what do you mean?" I stuttered.

"Um do I know you from somewhere?" He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

Grayson suddenly barged in the room. "Blake can I talk to you outside?"

I ignored him, focusing all my attention on Ethan. "It's me Blake!"

"Blake come with me I need to talk to you," Grayson grabbed my arm.

I shook his hand away. "Why doesn't he remember me?!" I yelled.

Grayson sighed before grabbing my arm again and dragging me behind him into the hospital hallway.

I pushed my back against the wall as I sobbed uncontrollably. "Why did he not remember me?"

I was told that due to the accident he had lost part of his memory. And sadly it's the part I'm in. He completely forgot me.

"It looks like he still remembers Lexi," I mumbled with my head buried in Grayson's chest as he comforted me.

"He does. He just doesn't remember what she did to him," Grayson spoke.

"He doesn't remember that she cheated on him?"

"Nope," Grayson sighed. He wiped my tears with his thumb before tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

"You know that night, when you walked in on them," he started, "Ethan was trying to kick her out but she just forced herself on him."

"This is all my fault. I should've just listened to what he had to say," I bit my lip, trying to stop the tear from falling.

Grayson pulled me closer as he wrapped his arms around me. "It's not your fault, Blake."

The room door then flung open and Lexi walked out. She scoffed, rolling her eyes before walking away.

"Let's just go inside," Grayson said.

I walked behind Grayson as he approached Ethan's bed.

"Gray, you didn't tell me you had a girlfriend!" Ethan's gaze traveled from Grayson to me.

"I-I'm not his girlfriend," I mumbled.

"Oh, haha sorry," he chuckled awkwardly.

"I'm gonna go get some coffee. You two get to know each other," Grayson gave me a pat on the shoulder before exiting the room.

"Take a seat," Ethan patted the empty spot beside him.

"I haven't formally introduced myself," He extended his hand, "I'm Ethan."

"Blake," I smiled as I shook his hand.



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