Chapter 2

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Min Hyuk and Joo Heon started crowding around me and started bugging me about (y/n).

"Is she nice? How is she? Do you like her?" They kept bombing me with questions etcetera.

"Shut up will you? She is really nice and we clicked immediately. It was great talking to her. HA! I have a cooler stylist than you two!!!" I laughed.

They pouted and started running to the manager to complain that they wanted a cooler stylist like (y/n). I chuckled at their foolishness and sat on the chair preparing for the interview. We talked about our new single and promoted our album.
As I waited for the boys to finish their interview, I decided to check them out on the internet. They are such amazing artists and really funny too! Their video of them in the Monbebe Safari is the cutest.

"Checking us out?" I heard the same old voice.

"I was curious. You guys are amazing, I'm officially a Monbebe too!" I erupted into my fan girl mode. I started blabbing about how cool their songs were and how cute and funny they were in some of the interviews. But as I talk, I did not realise how much I've been talking about I.M.
She mentioned me a lot while she was blabbing about how cool our band was so I decided to to tease her.

"So who is your bias?" I wriggled my brows. She stuttered before saying Shownu. I was a bit disheartened if I must say so myself, I thought she would say that I was her favourite. "But you mentioned me most of the time while you were going on and on about the band. Are you sure I'm not your favourite?" I asked again.
He suddenly asked me for a bias and it was him but I could not tell him that, it would be awkward. I stuttered a bit before throwing out a random name. I said Shownu. I saw a hint of sadness in his eyes and I wonder why. Next, he said I mentioned him a lot as I was talking about the band. Did I really do that?

"Ah, erm... Well..." ugh, alright then I'm telling the truth. "Alright! You are my bias! Geez! Quit teasing me will you?" I huffed and crossed my arms, not making eye contact with him.

It was silent for a while before he spoke. "Well, you are my favourite stylist too! I'm gonna grab lunch with the boys. If you are free do join us." He gave me the location of the place that they will be eating at before heading out.

I did not have much to do at that time so I asked my superior on my other duties. She said it was lunch break for everyone so I would be free to go. But when I'm back, I have to do some cleaning of my workspace and some paperwork.

I decided to go to the place that he told me to go to if I wanted to join them. Since he is the closest person to me at work, I should join him and make new friends too. As I walked in to look for him, I was distracted by the food on the signboards. I stared at it for a while deciding on the food that I wanted to eat. The longer I stare, the more I start to drool.

"So, what do you want to eat?" I jumped at the sudden interaction from a man. "Chang Kyun oppa?" I was clueless for a second. "You want to eat me?" He teased.

"No!!!! I was just shocked at your presence! I want some dumpling ramen! Ew you." I clarified.

"One dumpling ramen for this missy, I'm paying." But just as he was about to take out his money, I placed my money in the cashier's hand. "Paid."

We both argued at each other on who should've paid. But after a few sentences we both stopped and waited for my ramen. He motioned to the boys sitting in the corner at a long table and all waved at me. I smiled back at them.
"They are cute aren't they?" I spoke up. Everyone nodded and looked towards (y/n) and Chang Kyun.

"That's true Won Ho, I've never seen him click with someone as fast as me!" Min Hyuk added. They started making their way to our table with her food and he good them some drinks.
I sat down beside Chang Kyun and started my meal since the boys have already eaten their meal halfway through. They introduced themselves to me and so did I. I told them that I was checking them out while they were busy and I have officially become a Monbebe. I basically said the same thing that I told Chang Kyun.

"And he bias is me." Chang Kyun added in with a smug look. Ugh, if only he would stop with the teasing. The boys turn to each other before laughing. "What?" I asked. They shocked their heads and said nothing in unison. Something is up with them. I shrugged it off and ate my ramen with extreme speed. I was hungry, but it was an understatement. I was basically chomping down on my meal like a starving animal.

The boys were staring at me as they took a slow and small bite of their meal in shock. I drank the soup and licked my lips as I put the bowl on the table. "Delicious!" I exclaimed.

I looked to them with a stoned look and asked what was wrong.

"That. Was. Fast. So. Not. Feminine!" The boys said one by one except Chang Kyun. I giggled at them and said, "I never said I was feminine, I love food and I can't resist them. Most of my money is dedicated to food. I'm sorry I shocked you."

They laughed it off and resumed eating. I looked to my watch and told them I had to leave first and it was nice meeting them. I hurriedly leave my contact number and social media usernames on a receipt and handed to one of them before rushing back to work.
"Soooooo, you like her don't you, Chang Kyun?" Ki Hyun asked. What the, why would they say that? We were just work buddies how can I like her? "No? I'm only her work buddy and a good friend."

"Suuuurreeee." They smirked. I'm not sure what they are trying to do but oh well I'm just gonna have to deal with it.

After a while, we head back to the studio to write some songs before practicing our dance. As for (y/n), I'm wondering what she is doing right now.

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