Chapter 15

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As I pushed him out of the door with his things I held in my tears. But as soon as the door shuts and locks, I slid down the door and burst into tears once again.

For once, I debated on leaving the company because of him. Should I? I know I should not, but I honestly just can't see his face any more. That gentle smile that was once smiling because of me. Those lips that was only sanctified by mine.

How could I face him? Why am I even thinking this way? He was the cheater, why should I feel so guilty? Am I guilty because I was not good enough for him to stay? Maybe.

I gave this a deep thought and concluded that I should just go on a break. I messaged my boss that I needed a long well-deserved break before coming back.

I took out my bottle of wine and drank it as I watch yet another sappy film to heal my broken heart. I cried and cried all night long. Min Hyuk and Ki Hyun called and asked if I was alright and I sniffled a reply that I was alright.

The next day, I applied the thickest amount of makeup I have ever put on to hide my eye bags and swollen eyes from all that crying. I put on the most beautiful outfit I have as I strutted down the hallways of the company with a letter in between the long bony fingers of mine.


She's surely not leaving the company, is she? That letter in her hands... Looks really like it. I hurriedly approached her with my worn-out look.

"You're surely not leaving, are you? Please don't leave. Please!" I begged.

She was shocked at first before her gaze hardened.

"I believe this is none of your business anymore am I right?" And there she goes strutting off into the direction of our boss.

Oh, why oh why did I let her go, why did I had to cheat. Ah, I guess this is karma. The sounds of her heels clicking almost sounded like the sound of my heart breaking. Click clack click clack.


He held on to me begging for me to stay in this company. I was trying so hard to not let my feelings show.

Don't cry (y/n), don't cry. You are stronger than this.

My gazed hardened as I spoke in a tone with all the venom in my words.

"I believe this is none of your business anymore am I right?" And I hurriedly walked off before I spilled my tears once again. I can't do this. He is my only weakness and I can't let him weaken me like this.

Upon reaching my bosss door, I took a deep breath and gently knocked on the door.

Come in. I heard as I opened the door.

What brings you here my fellow outstanding worker? He said with his hands clasped together and eyebrows arched. Im kidding. I have to stop with those weird high and mighty tone. He chuckled.

I chuckled at how silly he usually is when it comes to the workers he is close with. He is strict but just the right amount of strict.

Well I came here to tell you that I would like to take a long break. A long well-deserved break. I handed him my letter.

Oh? Is it because of my dear Chang Kyun? He questioned, wait how did he know?

Partly. But I too am a human. I just wanted to take a break. I convinced him that it was only partly because of Chang Kyun when reality, its all because of him.

Ah I see. Well youve been performing really well so by giving you a break I am expecting you to perform much better when you come back.

That would not be a problem. By the way how did you know about me and Chang Kyun? I pried as to how did he find out. Could it be that gossips are going about? Hopefully rumours dont spread.

Ah, I overheard the boys discussing about it as I passed by their dance practice rooms. You know how I love gossips. He chuckled as he scratched his head.

Well its good that rumours arent spreading, and I hope you are going to help keep it a secret as well. I shot a deadly glare as he shivered and agreed to follow my request.

I greeted him a goodbye and I walked towards the staffs whom Ive been working with. I heard a number of gossips about me and Chang Kyun as I walked closer to the door.

How could she just kiss Joo Heon when she is with Chang Kyun?

No how could Joo Heon just steal his best buds girlfriend?

No how could Luda just steal Chang Kyun? And how could he cheat?

As these comments were floating around, hurtful words were being thrown at me. Words such as whore, slut and two timers. I was never one. But its normal since Chang Kyun is more well loved by everyone compared to me. He couldve gotten away with things much easier

I barged into the room and said, For your information, he cheated on me. And I kissed Joo Heon to spite Chang Kyun so Joo Heon is innocent. And also, please do not speak of this to the public. Wont want to get fired, do you? I held up a voice recorder, pressing the stop button.

Everyone immediately got up and apologised to me. Honestly, I dont even want to believe them anymore. Its just them probably trying to suck up to me so I wont give them any problems.

Also, Im treating dinner for everyone tonight because I will be on a break for a while and I will be selecting someone to take over me temporarily. Check your group chat for updates. I winked before taking off to bid my farewell to the boys.

As I slowly approach their dance practice room, I could hear two person arguing. I looked through the window attached on the door to see Joo Heon and Chang Kyun being held back by Shownu and Wonho.

On instincts, I immediately opened the door and yelled, What on Earth are you boys doing? Steam was coming out from my ears as my face grew red with anger. He told me you were leaving Starship and he blamed it on me. Joo Heons eyes softened as he replied to me.

Its true isnt it? Chang Kyun retorted.

Shut up idiots! I shouted. Chang Kyun, Im not permanently leaving. Im just on a break. I just dont want to see you anymore. It was because of you that I wanted to take a break. Joo Heon was only a bystander. I kissed him in front of you to spite you dont you get it? I saw you doing it with Luda so why not I do the same to you? I spat.

He was baffled by my response as he dropped to the floor and sobbed. I held in my tears with all my might, but the tears just flowed out naturally. Never, have I once thought youd cheat on me Chang Kyun. I dont understand why. You never told me. I choked. Well, I guess this is goodbye until I come back from my break. Do well together! Toodle-loo! I waved before turning my back and walked out.

Wait! he breathed heavily. If you leave, does that mean we are completely over? Do I get to explain myself? He cried.

Save that explanation, I know what I saw. Perhaps one day I would change my mind so dont forget it. I replied before running out and making a dash for the elevator, leaving a broken man behind with his buddies to comfort him.

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