Chapter 29 Part 2

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Approaching the gates of arrival at the airport, I spotted my family from afar. I waved excitedly at them and picked up my speed as it has been a very long time since I have seen them. "Mum! Dad! I missed you!" I yelled as I ran into their arms. "Oh sweetie we missed you too."

As I sat down at the nearest café in the airport with them, I decided to break the news to them about me and Chang Kyun getting together.

"Mum and Dad, I have news for you. I'm not sure if you would like it, but I am back together with Chang Kyun!" And as I said it, their jaws dropped and my heart started thumping really heart as my smile began to disappear.

"You two were together? Honey this can't be true. Tell me you are just kidding." My dad held on to my hands.

"It was all over the news about him cheating which he didn't by the way. He was just being a good son and helping his parents pay their debt by marrying the girl his parents were indebted to. So why is it even a problem that I am seeing him?" I freaked.

"It's his parents we have problems with. Their family sabotaged our company and drove us to the corner while you were still in my womb." My mum started.

Turns out that before I was born, my parents owned a company but it had to be shut down because of Chang Kyun's parents. They lost their house and car. They lost everything and was only left with that small amount of money.

They spent months begging on the streets which finally they were able to afford a small house. My father got a job just a month before I was born and slowly their lives got better. They even managed to move to a bigger apartment to ensure I grew up in a conducive environment.

"But why? Why did they do that?"

"Our company is dragging their stocks down and we were also building it in their "territory". I think it has something to do with the mafia which I would not want to be involved in."

"But this has nothing to do with Chang Kyun!"

"Yes but I can tell you are really keen on staying with him for a long time and that means marriage. I can't have them as my in laws. They are going to think we are trying to suck up their money and who knows they may even bring in the mafia this time. We are scared (y/n). We just want the family to be safe." My dad sighed as he rubbed his temples.

I sighed. They were right, it's too dangerous and I could not risk my family getting hurt. I dialed for the number that I remembered by heart as my eyes shifted in nervousness. "Hello? Chang Kyun? We need to talk. It's important."

The both of us sat in the café at midnight and I breathed in and out heavily. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Us. Our family. Everything." I cried.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" confusion was written all over his face.

"I can't be with you anymore. Go ask your horrible parents what they did to mine. They are the reason why we can't date anymore!" I stormed out of the café crying. I couldn't bare to see his disappointed look.

I heard footsteps behind me as I picked up my pace thinking that it was Chang Kyun who is chasing after me. I was soon tackled to the ground by a man with his hood on. I struggled to break free but he dragged me into the alley way and placed a knife at my throat as he started to take my purse.

I cried and cried, all the energy I had had left my body and I stopped struggling. But before it could go any further, I hear grunts coming from that guy and heavy breathing from another.

I opened my eyes and I saw Chang Kyun approaching me. He placed a hand on my cheek and caressed it with a sorry look in his eyes. "Come on Princess. I'm taking you home." He lifted me up and carried me home.

He cleaned me up and tucked me to bed. "Are you alright?" I turned my face away from him. I couldn't look him in the eye after that embarrassing moment.

Instead, he placed his fingers under my chin and turned my head to face him as he kissed me gently. "Please don't leave me ever again. Who cares what my parents did. If they really care about us, they would at least be supportive of us." He whispered as he cuddled me and rubbed my arms soothingly.

I guess he is right. It was not his fault for the problems between our parents so why am I being like this to him? "I'm sorry." I snuggled into his chest and holding down the tears that were threatening to come back up. There was so much going on in my tiny little brain and I guess the stress really got to me.

"It's alright sweetie. I'm sure you are feeling pretty stressed out." He kissed the top of my head as we both drifted off to sleep.

A/N: I know I said that there will be many more chapters to come but for now chapter 30 will be the ending. FOR NOW.

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