Chapter 17

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Rolling my suitcase to the check in counter, I was stopped by the boys sending me off. "You guys know that I don't want to see him right now, right?" I raised a brow.

"You can't run forever, (y/n). You two have to sort this out sooner or later." Shownu placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry. After all I've went through in the past, it's really hard for me to accept this and just let it go." I sighed as I placed my suitcase on the conveyor belt to check it in.

"Do you really have to do this?" Wonho asked, I nodded. "When will you be back?" Hyungwon raised that question. "6 months." I replied. The atmosphere has gotten tenser so I decided to walk to the cafe and grab a cup of hot chocolate.

As I walked ahead of them, I could feel two pairs of saddened eyes following my every move. I turned around and sighed. "If you two are going to be so gloomy this whole time, you should've just stayed at home. It's not like I'll be gone forever. You should be happy I'm going on a road trip alone to find who I am and where I belong. So, stop giving me that face and cheer the eff up." I reprimanded them.

They stiffened at my remark and ran towards me with a sorry look om their face. "We're sorry (y/n). It's just we are sad to see you go..." Chang Kyun said.

"Yea! We'll miss you so much!"

"Just since when did you guys patch up? And let me go, Chang Kyun. Stay as far away from me as possible." I dusted myself. He apologised before returning to Ki Hyun's side.

As I heard the announcement calling for my flight, I gather up my belonging and headed for the departure gate. Pleas for me to stay here heard. I sighed before entering the gate giving them one last look.

"I'll be back. Man, you guys are lucky you all were well disguised or else the press would be here as well. Stop giving me anxiety and troubles. And also, please stay out of trouble. I'm trusting Shownu and Ki Hyun on that." I started to tear up.

"So long guys. I'll see you soon." I waved to them before disappearing into the departure halls. Away from my buddies and away from the man I loved so much.

I sat on one of the benches after going through security. Calmly listening to Monsta X songs and I received a notification from Shownu that Chang Kyun made a mixtape for me. I opened the folder and cried as I listened to him pour his feelings out into the songs. And it was right then a packet of tissue was handed to me.

I looked up to thank the guy and realised it was a man in his early twenties. He is dressed rather fashionably with a mask and sunglasses. "Are you alright?" He asked before taking a seat beside me.

"Yeah, I'm good. Thanks." I took the packet of tissues and wiped my tears with it.

"So, what made you cry? Miss home?" He asked. "I would prefer if you do not pry into my private life, Sir." I sternly said.

"I'm sorry. Was just wondering if you needed someone to rant to and since I'm a stranger, what better way to rant?"

"Heard of stranger danger? Now buzz off." He didn't leave. After a while, I got up and changed seats. He followed. I turned around and sighed. "Can you please stop following me, creepy stalker?" He shook his head. "Leave me alone!" I repeated. But he stayed. This time, I made things clear by walking up to the security to report him for harassment.

"Alright alright! I'll go. Damn you are feisty." He mumbled before returning to his seats with a few others dresses similarly to him. I can see them pushing him and teasing him while he held a discouraged face.

"Man, first lady who turned you down." One of them laughed. They are locals here since they speak the same language and accents. I glanced at them every once in a while, trying to get a hint of their identity.

After much attempts and nearly getting caught by them, I gave up and focused on the music playing on my phone and started reading a new story online. "Just who are they?" I thought before shrugging the matter off. Must be some trendy group of spoilt kids travelling with their parents money again.

But truthfully, their identity is still a mystery to me and honestly, I am very curious right now. Who are they? What are they? Where are they from? Lots of questions came into my mind.

I continued reading my story before the plane gates were opened. I sent a text to the boys that I will be entering the plane soon and the spammed me a ton of messages before I had to turn my phone off.

I laughed at their eagerness as I took a seat in the plane. "Sorry." Someone mumbled as he tried to squeeze into the window seat. I looked up and in shock.

"You again? Creepy stalker."

"Whoops? Do you need me to change seats? I can change it with my friends." He asked.

"It's fine. Just don't bother me. I'm not in the mood." I waved him off before I switched of my phone and took out a book to read. It was something on Greek Mythology and it was a very interesting book and I was soon really absorbed into the facts and tales of the Gods and Heroes.
She loves mythology, interesting. I was tempted to start a conversation with her again but I figured that since Ive already made her irritated, perhaps I should not bother her. I sighed before returning to my music player and listened to my current favourite playlist.

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