Chapter 8

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* Unedited

Estefani's breathing started to get heavy as her heart raced. She looked at Miss Evans, Miss Evans' gave her a bewildered look. Estefani took a deep breath, then looked back at Liam but he was nowhere to be seen. She scanned around squinting her eyes as much as possible. The only thing she could see was the street lights and a couple people crossing the street on the other side, all too busy doing their own thing to notice what's going on. Then suddenly a bright light shined in the back of Miss Evans. From the light, a platinum blond hair peeked out, slowly Liam emerged in human form. Miss Evans saw him out of the corner of her eye and stepped back. Liam snapped his fingers in front of her, "Sleep". Miss Evans eyes started to droop until her eyes were fully closed, her body slide to the floor. Estefani kneeled down and caught her before she hit the concrete.

"Liam, what are we going to do?" She screamed in panic, "She saw me use magic. She saw me hurt that man."

Liam ran his fingers through his hair. "Stop yelling and let me think."

For a few minutes, there was silence. Estefani's eyebrows rose as she had an aha moment. She quickly looked at Liam, "Wait, can't you just erase her memories like how my memories were erased?"

"What?" he said giving her a confused look, " No, I can't do that. Just in case you've forgotten my forte is defense."

"What type of guardian are you?" Estefani's voice started going five octaves higher as she tried to steadily hold Miss Evans unconscious body. "Shouldn't you know these types of things?"

"No. My job is to protect you. Hence my forte being defense" he said in a serious tone, " How was I supposed to know that your magic would be unsealed."

"Then any idea how we're going to solve this?" she asked.

Liam sighed, "I have one" he got closer and a sudden wind swept around them like a vortex. Estefani could see her surrounding getting blurry. With a blink of an eye they were at Miss Evans office.

"Put her in her chair," he said as he motioned Estefani to Miss Evans desk.

Estefani fake laughed, "A little help? Do you really think I would be able to take her to her chair? Hello, I'm short. She is like a skyscraper compared to me." she started to get up but her knees buckled when she tried to lift Miss Evans. "And a little bit heavy."

Liam rolled his eyes, with a motion of his hand Miss Evans disappeared and reappeared on the chair. " You were so much stronger back on our world."

"Couldn't you just have done that, why make me go to all that trouble in trying to lift her up," she said as she brushed her jeans.

They both stepped closer to Miss Evans desk, "Now what?" she said as they both stared at Miss Evans' sleeping face.

"Now we leave. We'll just leave her and pretend that you came to her while she was sleeping and didn't want to bother her."

Estefani gave Liam a strained a smile, "That would be a good idea but..."

"But what?"

She sighed "but I had a meeting with her, there is no way that she would be sleeping if she had a meeting."

He clicked his tongue, "You're right, with everything going on I totally forgot."

"Wait she did take an allergy medicine" she started to look for a notepad, " Couldn't we pretend that she forgot that she took one already. Since she took two it would have made her sleepy hence her passing out."

Liam rubbed the back of his neck, "I guess that could work"

"What are you so upset about? Is it because it isn't your idea?" said Estefani as she grabbed the notepad from a drawer.

"What? No." he said in a flush of embarrassment.

She looked at him for a second, "Sorry then," lowering her head as she started writing on the notepad.

Liam leaned over to see what she was writing. Estefani could feel his breath near the nape of her neck and couldn't help but flinch.

"What are you writing?" he asked

"Just that she passed out halfway to the restaurant and she probably had a bad reaction to her allergy pill. Also writing that she probably took an allergy pill beforehand and that's the only explanation that makes sense to her reaction to the pill. Blah blah blah." she said as she kept writing on the notepad. "Done"

"Alright let's go before she wakes up," said Liam as the wind started to move around them and in a blink of an eye they were in their living room at home.

"Wait we need to go back" Estefani started to panic once more.

"What, why?" he said giving her a confused look.

"Why? We just left an injured guy in the streets. You didn't even let me check to see if he was alive." she gasped putting to hands on her lips, "what if he's dead. I'm a killer."

Liam rolled his eyes and sighed, "Why do you start thinking the worst. Trust me he is alive."

"And how would you know that?" She said crossing her arms.

"Because, when a person dies we can see their spirit being lifted up to the sky and I didn't see it."

She sat down on her sofa feeling relieved, "I don't know if you're telling the truth but I'm going to believe you. I don't want to be a murderer"

He sat next to her feeling just as relieved as she did. Estefani slowly put her head on Liam's shoulder for second his shoulders tensed.

"Sorry," she said as she straightened herself up, "I don't know why I did that. Would you believe that I just feel very at ease with you?"

Liam gave her a soft smile, "It's okay I don't mind"

"O...ok," she said as she awkwardly put her head on his shoulder once more.

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