Chapter 9

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* unedited 

 At the office, Estefani looked around at the empty room everything was packed into boxes, which mostly contained art supplies. Finishing putting her last supplies into a box until someone knocked on her door.

"Hey," said a familiar voice.

Estefani turned around from her art desk to see Violetta just quietly watching just like the first day she met her at the pizza place on her first day of work. Violetta, unlike the first day, loved to talk and was not afraid to tell you how it is. "¿Vienes para decir me adios?" Hey, here to tell me goodbye?

Violetta eyes sadden as she rubbed her right arm, "¿Deberas te vas?" So you're really leaving?"

Estefani nodded as she finished taping the box closed.

"I was hoping that you would stay but I can see you're not going to be changing your mind." Violetta started to put her hands inside her front jean pocket. "Maybe that's why Miss Evans' asked me to tell you to go to her office. She probably still has hope she can convince you to stay."

"She asked you?" Estefani asked confused, "Why? Doesn't she usually asks Gabriel to do things for her?"

"I know right! But I haven't seen him all day." Violetta started to play with a black strand of hair. "I don't think he even came to work today."

Estefani sighed, "Alright, thank you for telling me. I'll just finish up here and see what she wants."

"Alright, hope to visit your place, once you've settled back." she gave Estefani a hug and kissed her cheek as a goodbye.

"What do you think she wants?" said Liam from under the desk.

"I don't know but I'm afraid that it has to do with what happened yesterday" crouching down to grab Liam's leash. "I guess we'll see, now won't we?"

In the elevator, Estefani's palms were sweaty. She could feel the leash getting soaked from her palms. She tried wiping them on her jeans but it made little difference.

"Don't be nervous as long as you don't say anything about yesterday you should be fine," Liam said trying to calm her down.

Once the elevator doors opened Estefani redid her salmon colored tank top bow, took a deep breath and walked to Miss Evans office. Everything on Miss Evans' desk was put away, even the dust had been wiped clean. The first time going to Miss Evans' office she never noticed the windows having curtain unlike the first day being able to see the trees and building all she could see right at that moment was a dim room.

Estefani looked at the back of the chair behind the desk, "I heard you wanted to talk to me."

Miss Evans didn't respond.

Estefani looked at Liam and shrugged.

"Maybe she's asleep," she said to Liam.

"What do you mean maybe? I thought you could tell since you can tell when someone is dead."

Liam laughed, "About that, I lied. I don't know when someone dies it's not in my field. It takes a long time to learn to be able to see when someone dies. I only said it to calm you down."

"What? You lied then how do I know that the person isn't dead?"

"I'm pretty sure someone at work would have told you, news spreads fast."

Estefani sighed in relief, "Then do you think she's asleep?"

"Possibly, one way to find out right?" he said as he motioned his head toward the chair.

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