Chapter 12{unedited}

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 Hearing the thud as Estefani's back hit the white cushioned floor falling once more in her attempt to float. Estefani got up rubbing her back, "Ow" turning around and looked at the observation window. Miss Evans turned on the speaker, "Again"

"What?" Estefani's voice squeaked

"I said, do it again" she repeated

Estefani glared at Miss Evan, "But I have been trying so many times I am at my limit."

"That's why you have to keep on trying. How will you be able to fly if you don't try."

"Try?" Estefani's hands clenched, " I've been trying for more than a week I can't keep myself up in the air for more than two seconds which is basically jumping. I need a break."

Miss Evans sighed, "Fine take a break on flying but I want you to still train your magic abilities."

"Fine." Estefani sighed then mumbled, "It's not like have another choice do I"

"Wait before you do that Steph can you come up to the observation room," said Ji- Young through the mic.

"Just boss me around why don't you all", Estefani mumbled then turned around to Liam who was at a corner silently watching. "Liam why haven't you helped me on this like you said you would."

"When I said I would help you learn magic I meant like magic that won't hurt people. Other than that I am not allowed to, I am only an observer. I can only help you if you're in danger" he replied.

Estefani got closer to him and whispered, "Just in case you haven't noticed I am in danger" then raised her voice, "In danger of going insane."

A smile crept up Liam's face, "Well I can't help you there"

Once upstairs Ji- Young was excitedly waiting for them near the lifesize capsule that no longer had part of a suit but a complete suit.

The suit was white and seemed to be made of some sort of thick material.

"Your super suit is finally complete," he said as he opened the capsule to grab the suit. "All we need is to input your fingerprints so it will recognize you. You do have fingerprints, right?"

Estefani turned to Liam and asked, "Do we?"

Liam nodded

Ji- Young extended the suit to Estefani, "Just touch the suit where ever you want and it will automatically register your fingerprint."

Estefani put her hand on the white suit she could feel the fibers, the suit was smooth like a snakes skin. The suit started to glow a blue light then a robotic voice said, "Fingerprints registered"

The suits fibers started attaching itself to Estefani's arm like spider webs. "What's going on?" she said as she tried to remove the web fibers from her arm only for it to stick to her hand. The suits fibers started latching faster engulfing her whole body.

For a second all that Estefani could see was pitch black. Once she could see again she could see Ji- Young but there was something off. She placed her hands on her face only to feel something metal she kept going around touching all around her head. She was wearing some sort of helmet.

"Excellent," said Ji- Young as he grabbed her face, " Battle mode has been booted, it looks great. "Do you want to look at yourself? I'll go get a mirror."

While Ji-Young was looking for a mirror Estefani inspected her hands they were covered by some sort of white metal armor just like her legs, it looked nothing like when she touched the suit before it was one her.

Ji-Young came with a small device, "Ok, brought the mirror."

"What kind of mirror is that?" she asked

He smiled, "Behold the smallest mirror, not sold in stores." Placing the device on the ground light shooted up, like a projector it projected a see-through mirror. Soon the mirror became less transparent that Estefani could see herself.

She looked at herself in the mirror her whole body was covered with metal armor her helmet looked like the head of the movie Alien.

"Why does she look like she came from the movie Alien?" said Liam

"What?" said Ji-Young as he grabbed Estefani's helmet, "How dare you say that clearly it's a lot different" he pointed at the general area where her mouth would be, "The helmet doesn't have a mouth and the movie did."Then moved over and tapped her head," Also this is shorter so clearly not the same."

"Okay," said Liam not convinced, " I don't think its right for you to stereotype how 'aliens' look like."

Estefani kept inspecting herself through the mirror, "Are you sure people won't be scared of me?"

"Nah, of course... not?" said Ji-Young not certain of himself.

"All right if you say so" she said

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2019 ⏰

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