Chapter 11{unedited}

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As Miss Evans gave Liam and Estefani the tour, Estefani couldn't hear anything that Miss Evans was saying. Everything sounded muffled to her as if there was water in her ears. Getting closer to the end of the tour Estefani's breathing started to get heavy.

"Hey, everything is going to be okay. I won't let anything happen to you." Liam reassured her as his arm brushed hers. Estefani exhaled as it got easier to breathe, wiping

"I know, I can't help it. I don't know where we are. I just want to go home. I don't know if it's just me but I feel the closer we get the more people with lab coats keep staring at me. Do they think I look weird or are they afraid of me?" she said quickly.

"You're not weird. The only reason they could be staring at you is that you're pretty" he said.

She smiled softly at him, "Thanks for making me feel better."

He nodded returning the same soft smile she gave him.

Miss Evans suddenly came to a sudden halt in front of a white door, "Is there a joke that I'm missing here?"

Estefani's and Liam's smile quickly disappeared.

"What do you mean?" Liam said before Estefani could respond.

"She means that all this time that we have been walking we've been looking at you two make faces. It's sort of creepy," said Ji-Yu

Estefani's cheeks started to get red and she murmured, "I knew they were staring at me because I looked weird."

Miss Evans sighed as she touched the wall next to the door, where she touched left fingerprint marks that glowed, opening the door, "Anyways shall we head inside? There is someone waiting for you."

"Waiting? Waiting for me?" Said Estefani.

"Who else would she be talking to?" said Ji-Young rolling his eyes.

Estefani shrugged in response to his comment and headed inside. The room was big with rows of lab tables and it smelled like cleaning chemicals. There were no windows in sight. At every lab station, there was someone with a lab coat wearing safety glasses. Any little movement they made she would flinch and look away as if they were staring at her.

Estefani kept looking around until someone caught her eye, "Gabriel?"

Gabriel sat on a white rolling chair facing her, throwing a small blue ball in the air, hearing his name caught him off guard as the ball hit his face.

"Estefani you're awake," he said ignoring the ball that just hit him. "I'm glad you're okay, you really scared us."

Miss Evans, Ji-Yu and Ji-Young went to the back of the room opening a mysterious door leaving Estefani, Liam and Gabriel. Estefani didn't know how much she was trembling until Liam grabbed her hand. She looked at him only to get a nod in return.

"You knew what they were going to do to me?" she said as she dug her nails toward the palm of her free hand.

Gabriel looked at the ground ashamed, "Yes, I'm really sorry."

"I thought we were friends," she whispered under her breath, "Why didn't you stopped them?"

Gabriel drooped his head, "I couldn't"

"Of course you could" she murmured as she looked at the back of the room where she could see Miss Evans walking towards them.

"Why the long faces, did someone die?" said Miss Evans laughing

"Why would you joke about death," said Estefani

Miss Evans stopped smiling along with her laughter, "Steph lighten up a little, I was just trying to lighten the mood a little."

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