Chapter 6: Levy Finds Out

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Erza went to find Blue girl. She saw her talking to Ultear.

Ultear was a former member of the company but she left because she fell in love with Grey.

Ultear knew Erza and would know that it was her even in the wig because her memory was the best among st them all.

She started to have suspicions again about blue girl.

When Ultear left Erza went to Blue girl and asked raising her brow

"Who was that?"

"That was my sister." She replied with a smile.

"Oh." Said Erza embarrassed of her actions.

"You don't look alike though."

"Yeah but that's because of my birth mark and hair color."

Said Blue girl pointing at what Erza referred to as a tattoo.

"Oh that's a birthmark. I'm so sorry I thought it was a tattoo."

"It's alright. I get that a lot."

"It sure feels weird that we are the only ones at the university."


They both looked at the time and watched the clock for one minute until the lesson was over.

Then they both got up at the same time and rushed to the cafeteria in perfect synchronization.

They both sat on a table and as usual Erza ordered a cheesecake and blue girl ordered three slices of pizza as a guy would.

They both dug into their food and ate in silence.

Suddenly blue girl's phone rang and she went to answer it.

Erza took the chance to go to the ladies room where no one would go because everyone was gone on the trip.

She took off her wig and let loose her hair when suddenly the door opened and someone came in.

There was no time to hide Erza got her unconscious spray ready but the person appeared to be....

Levy. It was her. Erza couldn't use the spray on her.

Levy had a bag in her hand which fell right out as she realized that Gerard was a girl.

Erza grabbed Levy and told her everything.

"But why are you back so early?"

"Well i came back because Gajeel sent me home."

"I realize why he did that now."

Erza sighed
"Yeah it's probably because he doesn't want you to get hurt."

Levy giggled. They both went out and saw Blue girl sitting at the table waiting for Erza.

Levy and Erza looked at each other and smiled.

They both went to cheer up dull looking blue girl.

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