Chapter 7: The Weekend.

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Erza yawned and let out a sigh of relief when finally the last class was over.

It was finally going to be the weekend and she would get paid for her job.

She also just wanted to get lazy and spend the whole day in her bed watching movies and getting rid of her stupid wig.

Even though she was a fighter, She still hated the university because it taught stuff she ready knew but she couldn't display ber talents.

She got up from her seat when Levy stoppes her right in her tracks.

"So I was thinking that we sll go shopping tommorow."

Erza did not like the sound of that. She absolutely hated shopping but even she didn't know the reason.

She just did and she was about to turn her down when Levy extended the invitation to blue girl aswell.

She hesitantly said yes.

Erza couldn't deny now because it seemed that they both wanted her to go aswell.

She sighed,
"Fine I'll go."

"Okay then, Lets go to Shanmo mall." Levy said with a smile happily.

Luckily that mall was very close to Erza's house but she wasn't quite sure that was a good thing because she thought they might visit.

When Erza got home she quickly checked her account.

She was right the money had been delivered to it.

Her eyes sparkled at the amount and she didn't regret saying yes to shopping.

The money was alot and Erza figured that this job was indeed pretty important.

Then it hit her that she had to pay the fee aswell even though only half the amount because the principle of the university was Zeref Dragneel.

He wasn't a part of the company but knew about it because he was Natsu's older brother.

He also knew about Erza and the agent from Grey's company but didn't tell her because he had no right to.

Still the money was pretty generous excluding the school fee.

Then Erza spent the rest of the day wasting time on movies and Saturday came in the blink of an eye.

She wore the nest dress she had in her wardrobe but then changed to men's clothing as she remembered that she was undercover.

She went to the mall and saw blue girl and Levy who were already there.

"Shall we go then?" Levy said with a bright smile.

She nodded along with Blue girl.

They went to buy clothes. Erza itched to buy women clothing but kept her eyes on the men one.

Her wardrobe despite being a walking closet was running low on men attire.

She couldn't choose what to wear when blue girl helped Erza choose.

Her choice suited Erza perfectly and she was shocked to see Blue girl's own preference.

She noticed now that Blue girl wore a full sleeved shirt with a neckline that didn't expose even the slightest skin beneath her collar bone and hung low till her thighs.

She also wore deep blue jeans which matched the shirt's black colour.

Erza felt very hot just looking at her because the heat must've been killing her yet Blue girl didn't show an inch of sweat.

Then Erza paused to find Levy she asked Blue girl when she couldn't find her,
"Where's Levy."

"Oh she went home because Gajeel came back." Blue girl smirked.

Erza also smiled. This would be considered a date but Erza was also a girl so she didn't think of it that way.

Then after they were done shopping, They went to the food court. Apparently it was couple day at the food court.

Erza knew she and blue girl looked like a couple and the cafeteria was only serving stuff for couples for example pocky,
One smoothie with two straws and a cheesecake which you had to feed to your partner if you wanted to eat.

Erza was going to tell Blue girl to turn back but her stomache gave in as it made a growl. She was embarrassed but realized she was a boy so it didn't bother her.

Blue girl smirked and they both sat down to order the special which had the smoothie cheesecake and icecream. Ofcourse the icecream also had to be shared.

They stayed silent until their food arrived. The waiter then waited for them to the 'ritual'.

First Blue girl fed Erza the cheesecake which she was somewhat used to.

Erza then took a bite of the icecream and fed Blue girl and to finish they both drank the smoothie together.

Finally the waiter left and Erza started enjoying her cheesecake and Blue girl drank the smoothie.
Then it seemed that they both wanted the icecream so they shared that anyway.

By the end of the food none of them seemed to be embarrassed the way they ate nor regretful.

Erza infact was a little happy about the food.

This was something new for her but knowning it was with a girl made her heart at ease.

Then they both decided to go home.

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