Chapter 8: A Midnight Job

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Erza knew her weekend was over but her pay was extravagant even though she didn't do anything yet. She turned on the t.v and the news she read was shocking.

The Phantom Hive company had opposed a threat to the Gatchu university. It was a terrorist company which attacked schools and one of the most well known at that.

This meant that Erza had to be very careful. She even realized that tomorrow was her birthday. She didn't tell anyone but Levy had begged for knowing so she was the only one who knew.

Erza decided that since her weekend was already over and tommorow she had school which meant her leisure time was over, she might as well deal with a short overnight job so she could get rid of her boredom and earn a little extra money though she didn't need to.

She went to Natsu and asked for a job and Natsu said,

"Are you sure?"

"Huh? Why else would I ask you?! " she said furiously.

"Well right now we only have advanced jobs and I thought it would be too much of a burden for you. "

Said Natsu but immediately took his words back after seeing Erza's face and added,

"But It's fine, here you go."

He gave her a paper which stated 'Raven Claw assassination'

Erza smiled,

"Now this will be fun."

Erza read the job in more detail and found that this 'Raven Claw' was a code named criminal who had illegally invented something and corruptly claimed black cash through it.

Then it hit Erza that,

"Grey's company might've taken the job."

After all it involved computers and although they had hackers, they could assassinate through putting up secret cameras and sniping thier targets. That was just a little time consuming but their best weopan.

"Better get this job done quickly then."

Erza took a small gun and a knife while wearing black clothes and a mask that covered her mouth. She decided to wear her wig since it allowed her to conceal her hair.

Then she managed to get in to Raven Claw's apartment and hide under the bed with her gun pointed at the door.

Just then someone entered and it was Raven Claw. Erza pressed the trigger and a bullet went straight through his chest.

"And this was supposed to be an advanced job. What a waste." She whispered.

Then she went out the door leaving the corpse lying on the floor and wiping off all evidence of her being there.

This may sound illegal but it was how jobs were done and the police actually asked for some of them. These types of assassinations weren't illegal.

Just as Erza went into the elevator, she saw someone get out of the one next to her and as the doors closed through little gap she caught a glimpse of...

Long blue hair...

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