Chapter 5

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It's a long one. Get your popcorn. Enjoy,

Ian rode Anton through the forest. They were hours away from Marseille. The day sky was filled with clouds that looked ready to release the water from Heaven. The branches of the tall ancient trees added more to the darkness. A low distant rumble of thunder sounded the arrival of the storm.

This was the second time he left the city with gloomy clouds over him. He let his hopes rise; he promised his daughters he would acquire their desires. Now he was going home completely empty-handed. Disappointment draped his shoulders like an invisible heavy blanket.

A sharp crack brought Ian back from his melancholia. Anton snorted, causing Ian to grip the reins tightly. He saw nothing but he knew something was out there. He heard another sound but it wasn't a crack . It was low, gruff and close. A predatorial growl that sent shivers through Ian's body. Ian whipped his head around, his eyes intent on finding the beast. The growl sounded again, more closer. Anton neighed, rearing his head frantically.

"Shh. Shh. Easy."

Despite his attempts, Ian felt the beads of perspiration emerge from his pores. Little drops gently descended down from above, making moderate pitter patter on the dry leaves. The tame drop instantly transformed into an almost blinding downpour. What could happen now? Ian cursed himself. He turned around and spotted a great black wolf in front of him. Its amber eyes seemed to glow in contrasting with the creature's inky fur. Ian's eyes widened as he released a yelp.

"Easy there." Ian was even more shocked when he realized that the words did not come from his mouth. They came from the wolf.

Anton became calm. Ian stared at the dark wolf that looked at him calmly as the rain poured onto him.

"Are you lost, stranger?"

Speechless, Ian watched the words come out of the animals' mouth.

"Have you got a voice, man?" the wolf asked impatiently.

"Uh," Ian closed his eyes and shook his head as if trying to come out a dream. "I'm not sure what I am as of now."

"Well, you're not dry, I can tell you that," the wolf said in a matter of fact voice. He looked at himself. "And neither am I." He chuckled.

Ian stared incredulously at the wolf. He wasn't sure if it was the fact that the wolf was talking or if he was talking like it was a gorgeous bright day and they would be quick friends.

The wolf took a step forward. "The name's Alistair." He bowed slightly. "It looks like you could use some shelter unless you're one that love rain. Never saw a human that does."

"I was heading home."

"Perenneux is quite a distance whereas shelter is closer." Alistair stated.

Ian couldn't believe he was actually going to entertain the idea. "What exactly is shelter?"

"If you follow me, you'll find out sure enough." Alistair said as he prepared to sprint. He sped into the woods. Ian watched as the wolf started to become a black spot. He looked at the path through the rain. His daughters were alone. They would be all right. He would be all right...he hoped. Ian and Anton followed Alistair into the woods.

In what seemed to be a matter of minutes, the forest became a clearing. In front of them was a stone archway between wildlife. Behind the archway was a great gray stone castle. A turreted tower stood high. Ian looked at the place in wonder.

"Here's shelter." Alistair said before making his way towards the place. Ian followed after. The archway was decorated with the heads of the ancient Greek gods. Ian couldn't keep his eyes off the impressive structure.

The Blossoming: A Retelling of Beauty & the BeastWhere stories live. Discover now