Chapter 8

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Joanna woke up, her eyes were brashly reintroduced to the sun's light. She looked around to see that she was in her room. Her strange but beautiful room. She didn't intend to asleep. All she remember was sitting on the bed and the rest was in darkness. The mattress was the most comfortable one she ever slept on.

Two medium knocks on her door made her turn to the door. Was it the Beast? Before she could say anything, her answer came in the sound of a woman's voice.

"Hello, hello, hello." The voice was full of cheer. "Are you decent?"

She looked down to see she was still wearing what she wore when she came in. "Yes."

The door opened and in came Faye. She wore a smile as bright as her voice. Her light brown hair was in a pompadour bun.

"Oh, my. You're really here," she said, chipper.

Joanna looked at her with a tired and confused frown. Who was she? And why was she happy that she was here?

"The halls are just whispering your presence here. I have to say it is so gracious and brave of you to come here. This place has been void of human charm."

Faye stopped after she caught Joanna's look. She smiled, embarrassed.

"Forgive me. I'm Faye. It's nice to meet you, Joanna."

Joanna was going to ask her how she knew her name but she thought the question redundant.

"'s nice to meet you, too."

Faye beamed. "I know this place seems strange, especially in your view regarding the circumstance. But you will love it here. I promise." She looked at Joanna's clothes. "Will you be wearing those to lunch?"

Joanna looked at her clothes again, she didn't expect to dress for ceremony nor did she feel hungry. Plus time had completely slipped Joanna's mind.

"I did bring some clothes."

She looked over to her case on the floor. Faye went to it and lifted it up. She opened and her smile waned.

"Oh," she attempted to be polite.

Joanna didn't have many fashionable or colorful garments. She preferred a simpler style.

Faye looked at her. "Dreary clothing doesn't suit beautiful creatures such as yourself."

Joanna never considered herself beautiful. Her sisters always captured eyes of the opposite sex and the green eyes of the same sex.

Faye waved her hand. "It's alright. Leave it to me." She gestured to Joanna to stand up. Joanna did that and moved a few inches away from the bed.

Faye looked at Joanna up and down as if she were planning something. She felt uncomfortable.

"Uh," Joanna fumbled with her fingers. "May I ask..."

"Shh." Faye raised a finger. "You'll mess up my concentration. It's the key to conjuring."

Joanna stood paralyzed and confused.

"Conjure what?"

Faye backed and threw out her hands. Glittering dust emanated from her fingers and swirled around Joanna in a gleaming mist. Joanna could barely see but she felt the magic tingle on her skin. The dust appeared to be eating at her clothes like little bugs. Soon the mist turned into dark colors resembling autumn leaves. The mist waned and revealed a beautiful corseted gown. Her long skirt was orange and embroidered with flowers. Her long sleeves were gone and replaced with off shoulder short burgundy sleeves. Joanna looked at her new outfit in shock. It wasn't something she ever worn in her life but it was quite breathtaking yet simple.

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