Chapter 20

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Joanna had awoken from her dream, the sound of morning kept her in reality's embrace. She opened her eyes to find Faye in her face with wide eyes and a grin to match.

"Oh." Joanna nearly leapt up.

"Hello, birthday girl or should I say birthday woman? Get up, get up! The whole place is an tsk."

Joanna rose up. "I don't hear anything."

Faye shook her finger knowingly. "Don't be fooled by what you don't hear."

Beast looked around, scanning the magical decorations. Golden fairy lights sparkled above like a million tiny Suns. Vines with sprouting colorful flowers and white petals wrapped the staircase bannisters.

Alastair looked around. "Everything looks great, your Highness."

"Does it," Beast quickly said, nervousness evident in his voice.

Joanna searched the closet. She dove into her bag. She had plenty to wear but nothing to wear. She sighed loudly in frustration. Faye stood in the room, watching her with a smile.

"Something wrong, dear," she asked calmly.

Joanna threw up her hands. "Oh, it's fine. I just have nothing to wear or nothing special to wear."

"I'm pretty sure your presence is enough, darling."

"I know but if everyone is working hard to transform the palace, the least I could do is actually look..." Her voice trailed off. "I just want to look great."

Faye nodded with understanding. She continued to gaze upon Joanna, waiting. Suddenly enlightenment emerged in Joanna. She turned to Faye, her shoulders shrugged up to her neck. Her eyes contained all the innocence of the doe and apple cheeks of a young child.

"Faye, remember when you changed my dress?"

Faye feigned forgetfulness but nodded. "I may have. It's been such a long while since I've done that."

"Well," Joanna's smile widened, showing teeth. "May I ask for your help to make something suitable for this occasion? Please?"

Faye couldn't resist. She leaped in excitement. "Yes. Yes. Yes!" She walked, circling around Joanna, studying and measuring her. She indistinctly mumbled to herself but Joanna heard mentions of "rosy" and "pink". Faye's face brightened.

"I've got it. Alright, take off your robe and go stand in the clear." Faye motioned for Joanna to stand in the middle of the room. Joanna obeyed, shedding off her robe and waited for Faye to work her magic. Faye prepared her hands.

"You know what?" Faye walked to the room and opened the door. "Yoo hoo," she said melodious. The Faeries appeared and alighted into the room. One carried a rose of deep pink, it faded into lighter colors at the end of the petals. Faye took the Rose and held it up between her and Joanna. She inhaled deeply and released a deeper exhale. The petals disintegrated into sparkling colorful dust that floated to Joanna, swirling around. The motes began to tingle in her skin and take on the ethereal form of the gown to be. Joanna felt the the dust materialize into silky fabric. She turned around slowly watching as the materialization come to being.

Beast walked back and forth in the dining room, dressed in the best threads he could conjure. The decorations above and around were simple but beautiful. But he wanted everything to be perfect. The walking didn't do much to subside the butterflies within him. Basil watched him, the feeling of nervousness began to rise up.

"Your Highness, you're making me nervous."

"You should be," Beast said darkly without looking up.

Now Basil was scared. Beast looked up at his friend and shot him a sheepish smile. He held out his arms. "I'm kidding. I'm kidding. I can't even deliver humor right now."

Basil was relieved. "All will be well."

The door opened and both whipped their heads to the door, giving a deep inhale. Faye walked in. Beast and Basil released their exhales in relief and slight disappointment. Then Joanna emerged. Beast gave a quiet gasp.

She was a vision, draped in a gown that was deep pink at the top and faded to lighter pink at the bottom. Her dark hair cascaded in framing curls that was topped off with a jeweled headband.

She looked around, admiring the room. "It all looks so..." Her voice trailed when her eyes landed on Beast. "..beautiful."

Beast gestured toward the chair at the table. Joanna smiled and made her way. He pulled out the chair and Joanna sat down, flattered at the attention. Beast travelled to his chair and sat down, ready to eat the meal.

Arm in arm, Beast and Joanna travelled down the open bridge to another part of the palace. They came to a pair of large doors that opened, revealing the most beautiful room Joanna had ever seen. The room was glass and crystal, light and rainbows glistened off the surfaces.

"This is...breathtaking," Joanna said.

They travelled to the middle of the floor. They stood facing each other. Beast held out his hand. Now Joanna was nervous.


"What's wrong?"

"I,uh...I don't know how to dance," she confessed.

Beast frowned. "What about the parties?"

"I didn't dance at them."

Beast smiled. "I'll show you."

He gently took her hand and placed it on his shoulder. His hand then trailed down to her waist. He took her other hand in his.

"Now," he said. "Follow me."

They began to the basic foot movements of the waltz. Soon music played in the room and their movements began to become fluidly.

"The waltz is the most simple and the most magical dance. When you look in your partner's eyes, the world melts away and soon it feels like you're dancing on air."

"Have you done this before?"

Beast gave a smile. "You're the first."

Joanna laughed lightly. All he said was becoming true. Their gazes locked with each other. The world was a swirl of golden light and crystal rainbows. Joanna's gown swept the smooth floor. Soon their feet left the floor and they continued waltzing in the air. Time and Gravity was lost.

"Do you want to come down," Beast asked, his voice soft and audible.

"No," she whispered.

The Blossoming: A Retelling of Beauty & the BeastWhere stories live. Discover now