Chapter 19

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Beast's eyelids opened, exposing his eyes to the light of morning. He was in his room in his bed. How did I get here? The door opened and in waked a smiling Faye carrying a tray of food.

"Morning, handsome. Did you get a good night's rest?"

Beast looked down at the bed he hardly slept in. He barely slept.

"I can hardly remember anytime where I did sleep." His mind alerted him of someone. "Joanna?"

Faye nodded. "She's up. She's out picking berries with Basil. You should see her. She's as bright as Venus in the evening sky."

Beast jumped out of his bed at the sentence before last and raced to the door.

"Excuse me," Faye said, shocked by his behavior. "You're not dressed plus you made it rain. Eat something please."

"Right." Beast walked to the tray. Within seconds, he gobbled the breakfast like a hungry animal. He then disappeared behind the dressing panel. His old clothes flew up in the air and landed on the panel and the floor. He soon came out from behind with new clothes. He sped out the door, tucking his wrinkled shirt in his pants. Faye stood alone, still holding the tray. Her shocked mask became a smile of amusement and knowing.

Joanna held the basket three quarters filled with multicolored berries. Basil reached the tall branches, gently gathering more in his large paws.

"These are not naturally made. Well in a way. They are created by faery magic, but since fairy are apart of the supernatural side of Mother Nature, they are naturally made."

Joanna picked one out of the colorful fruit sea and popped one in her mouth. The berry was bitter sweet like a raspberry but distinct enough that one could tell.


Basil nodded, smiling. "Indeed. I will make a delicious dessert I call Berainbow. From the bear who gives the rainbow."

"Is it a cake?"

"It's a pie made with layers like a cake."

Basil's eyes widened as he saw Beast approached and he gave a bow. Joanna turned around and her face brightened.

"Good morning."

"Good morning, Joanna." He looked at Basil picking more berries. "Are you making Berainbow?"


"You haven't made that in so long."

"The faeries only grow these once every few years."

Beast looked back at Joanna and said quietly, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm much better. Probably the best I've felt in a long time. Thank you."

Beast smiled. "Good."

"No, I mean it. Thank you." Joanna looked him in the eyes. "I've kept those feelings inside for so long. I never talked to anyone about them, not even Father. It felt good to talk someone."

Beast nodded. Joanna wanted to ask him why he was so sad. Before she could...

"I've had my share of painful memories," Beast said. "I won't be too specific. I hope you understand."

Joanna answered with an assuring nod. She was amazed at how much the creature looked human in her eyes now that she saw he was capable of feeling the most breaking emotion that was also a door to emotional liberation.

"Thank you for the drawing. It is a wonderful gift."

Beast raised an eyebrow. "That's just the beginning. Your birthday is just a mere day away."

Joanna inhaled. "I couldn't accept any more."

"You can. It's your birthday. All that you wish will be given to you."

"Yes," Basil exclaimed. "So put your feet up and be our guest."

Joanna smiled at the attention.

Beast and Joanna sat in the front row of the theater, watching Faye deliver a line as Titania, Queen of the Fairies, from Shakespeare's "A Midsummer's Night Dream". Basil was her king Oberon. The Faeries were their play counterparts. Joanna quietly giggled.

"I can't believe that this is actually happening."

"Do you like it," Beast softly asked.

"Like it? I love it. I don't think this could get any better."

Beast smiled at her elatedness.

"This is my favorite Shakespearean play."

"As well?"

"Yes," Beast nodded. "It hits close to home."

Joanna looked at Beast. "What do you mean by that?"

"I probably should have told you this when I showed you. I'm part Faerie."

Joanna's eyes widened. "What," she exclaimed loudly.

Beast put his finger to his lips. He looked on stage. The actors looked at the two member audience. Faye and Basil looked especially peeved.

Joanna mouthed "Sorry."

The actors continued on with their scene. Joanna looked back at Beast.

"That's why you have those powers."


"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I don't know," Beast shrugged. "What did you think I was prior?"

Joanna shook her head. "I don't know. A sorcerer perhaps?"

Beast chuckled. "I am a conjurer of sorts."

Joanna recalled the manifestations of his magic she encountered. It was hard to believe that this same creature was the one who created a fiery version of himself in her fireplace. Now he had actual Faeries and sprites act out one of Shakespeare's fantastical comedy. Frightened, she was at first but now she felt safe, at peace with him.

Beast felt her studious eyes upon him and he turned to her.

"What," he asked with an incredulous scoff like laugh.

"I'm just looking at probably the most wondrous soul I have ever met."

Beast felt a tingle inside at her words. His heart seemed to leap. He felt shy now. He was grateful that his face was covered in fur as he felt his cheeks go warm.

"Ahem," Basil cleared his throat.

Joanna and Beast turned to the actors who stood in dramatic pose.

"We are done," Faye said.

"Oh," Joanna leapt out of her seat and began applauding. "Bravo. Beautiful."

They beamed and gave several graceful bows.

A double post. Exciting, eh. There's a reason. I won't be uploading any new chapters for this story for a short while because I am working on the editing so you might get a lot of notifications on the previous chapters. I am truly thankful for all that are sticking with it. You know who you are and the next chapters will be dedicated to you. Thank you.

The Blossoming: A Retelling of Beauty & the BeastWhere stories live. Discover now