Chapter 22

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Joanna and Beast sat outside, talking. A snow white rabbit relaxed under Joanna's hands, sitting on her lap. It had been a few dayssince Joanna's birthday. The spring sky was bright and cheerful. Alastair appeared and came to them. Beast noticed his friend, whispered "Excuse me." and made his way to the wolf.

"What is it, Alastair? It's such a beautiful day. You should be relaxing." Beast said brightly.

"I must speak with you," Alastair said. He looked over at Joanna, who was contently petting the rabbit. "In a more private way."

Beast looked back at Joanna. She looked up and saw his look.

"Is something wrong?"

Beast smiled and shook his head. "No. I'll be back."

Beast and Alistair wandered away from her behind a bush.

"It's about Joanna's father, your Highness," Alastair swallowed. "He is ill. Very ill."

Beast frowned. "What is it, the illness that has him?"

The wolf looked down. "It began a little while after he brought Joanna here, sir. The sisters have given him medicine but it has very little effect on him."

A wave of guilt washed over Beast as he looked away. This wasn't an illness like consumption or pneumonia. It was the loss of his daughter. His light. This was his fault. Beast closed his eyes, letting a sigh of hurt. He knew what he had to do. What he should have done. He looked at Alastair. "I'll tell her."

Alastair nodded and retreated away. Beast took a silent inhale and came from behind the tree and walked to Joanna. She looked up at him. He summoned a smile but Joanna had already seen his previous face.

"What's wrong?"

Beast hesitated but took a deep breath. "It's your father."

Worry and chills conquered her body at the mention of her father. Joanna placed down the rabbit as she looked at Beast.

"He's sick."

"How sick?"

Beast looked down but he had just answered her question. Joanna's hands flew to her mouth. Her mind had brought up heart wrenching images of her father sick on his bed that would become his death bed. Her eyes welled up with tears but she would not let her imagination darken the hope.

"I have to go back. I have to see him."

Beast nodded. "That would be best. If he see you, he will get better. I will set up a carriage."

Joanna nodded. She looked up at Beast. "After he gets better, I'll come back."

Beast's eyes widened and he shook his head. "No. No. You can't come back."

"When he sees me, he will know that I have not been harmed. I'm sure the two of you can come to another understanding."

"How will you explain this to the others, the townspeople? They will catch onto your comings and goings. You can't. It's dangerous."

Joanna looked into his sapphire eyes. "I'm coming back."


"Beast," she said firmly standing her ground.

Beast looked at this woman, who was the girl who sacrificed herself for her father and now she was a woman demanding to come back to the strange world of his. Spitting more protests would not have her back down. To be honest, there wasn't any real reason for her not to come back. He could spirit her away but there were other people to take into consideration.

He smiled and shook his head in resignation, "Why are you so stubborn?"

"I refuse to accept that I won't see you again."

Joanna reached for his hand and held her hand. Beast felt a tingle.

"I'm sure we can work something out."

Joanna smiled. She raised herself on her tippy toes and gave him a peck on the cheek and then ran away into the palace. Her heart was bubbling with hope. Beast, shocked, placed his hand to his kissed cheek. He watched her run away. The feeling was overwhelming but warm and...very pleasant.

Minutes later, Joanna stepped outside. Faye and Basil stood on opposite side of the door. Smiles of happiness and a hint of sadness masked their faces. The carriage was situated in front of the door. A large trunk was placed in the back. Joanna stood at the edge of the threshold. She looked at Faye and Basil. They came toward and collected her into a warm embrace.

"I will be back. I promised." Joanna said through emotion.

"I hope your father gets well, love," Basil said.

"He will," said Faye, breaking the embrace. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a vial of a liquid that possessed an iridescence. "Give this to your father. It's a fairy tonic. It will take him from the edge of darkness."

Joanna's eyes glistened as she took the vial. "Thank you."

Basil materialized a packaged box from behind his back. "A little something. It's a bit of the birthday cake. A pretty great bit."

A teardrop trickled down Joanna's cheek. "Thank you." She hugged both of them again.

Alastair walked to her. "I'll be with you until the end of the forest."

Joanna nodded and walked to the carriage. Before she stepped in, she looked back at her friends, then the Perennial Palace that had been her home. In the tower, she saw Beast above, beyond the glare of the sun. She gave him a smile, silently reassuring her promise. Beast smiled back and gave a light nod.

Joanna stepped inside the carriage and placed her package on the side of her seat. The carriage rocked back and moved toward the gates. Joanna waved at Basil and Faye, who waved back. Joanna waved until the palace and her friends disappeared behind the trees of the forest.

The Blossoming: A Retelling of Beauty & the BeastWhere stories live. Discover now