Chapter 18

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Nicholas raised his bow and arrow, stretching his arm back. He squinted at his target and focused, using the silence of the environment to his advantage. Then he released the arrow and the arrow whipped and quickly flew in a straight line into the heart of the target. He smiled proudly as claps erupted from the onlookers.

"Impressive," said a familiar voice. He turned around and saw Julianna approach him. Her hair was tied back, her long red tail cascaded around her shoulder. She wore a beautiful gown of cerulean green. He took a deep breath.

"I'm glad you came." Nicholas said as he internally regained composure. "Impressive, you say?"

Julianna nodded as she stopped at his side of me.

"Have you shot an arrow before?"

Julianna raised her eyebrow. "Not for a long time." She recalled pre-Perenneux times that seemed at the end of the world. In Marseilles, there were archery events to which she participated in.

"Are you a good shot?"

"A little."

Nicholas raised up his bow to her. "Then you must show me."

With a gentle hand, she grasped it. He offered his arrow to her. She put the two together, raised it up and adjusted her standing position. To Nicholas. It was a perfect pose in more ways than one. She concentrated on the target and released. The pointed projectile shot through the air and pierced the heart of the target. Nicholas' eyes widened as he looked backed at the fiery archer, who gave him a modest smile.

"Seems like I still retained a few of my skills."

"Who was your teacher, Artemis?" Nicholas chuckled.

Julianna bowed her head in modest embarrassment. "It was probably the one thing I was best at Marseille. There were some competitions thrown. Who did you learn from?"

"My father." Nicholas looked at the grass as he began to recall early memories. "I was very young but he taught me still. And well. It was great father and son moments."

His face did not face her but Julianna could perceive from his voice that this was a subject that would tamper with the watery emotions. Finally he turned to her with a forced smile.

"After he passed, I did my best to keep him alive through the bow and arrow. This was his."

A silence hung over them for a while. Then Nicholas shook his head.

"Lively conversation, this is," he laughed nervously. He looked at Julianna. "Do you have any thing to lighten the heart?"

Julianna smiled. "I might." Her finger trailed the smooth wooden curve of the bow. "Let's play a game."

Nicholas raised his eyebrow, intrigued.

"It's called Eros and Psyche. I'm sure you are aware of who your character is."

"I am."

"If you pierce the middle of all three targets, you get a kiss."

"From who?" He looked around, pretending to be delirious.

Julianna laughed.

"Is that it?"

She nodded then raised her hand. "You have to do it without looking at the target. Your eyes have to be on me. At all times." The words rolled out with a tempting promise. Julianna began to walk to the end of the last target. Nicholas watched as she sauntered. He smiled and areadied his stance, preparing his bow. Julianna turned around and stood still. With a quick raise and far pull and stretch, he released his arrow which found its place with the arrow Julianna shot. He stepped to the second and repeated, piercing the red heart. He slowly stepped, his eyes still remaining locked with hers. Her irises gleamed with light. He rose his bow and released the bow. They turned to see the arrow occupying the middle of the red.

"I never miss."


She stepped forward. He leaned in closer and their lips met each other.

Thanks for reading. Next chapter coming.

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