Chapter Two

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Let's get this shit started! This is gonna be better than the first version for sure! Honestly I think you're going to enjoy this story version better! Make sure to vote, comment, and follow me!

Song of chapter: Blossom, by Milky Chance

-Love you! 😘💕

"Valerie, wait up!"I shout at I try to catch up to Val's fast walking pace

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"Valerie, wait up!"I shout at I try to catch up to Val's fast walking pace. Valerie was in track her whole high school career. I had asked her before why she didn't want to continue with the amazing talent she had, and she said it was more a hobby that she liked, not that she loved. That's something I've always loved about Val, she could easily choose what she wanted in life, which compared to me is amazing because I have no idea what I want. As a young girl I wanted a prince charming, a beautiful home, and kids as well as pets. But that was before I had even developed a crush on a boy.

After I had developed a crush on a boy it all went down pretty badly. I mean at the time I was only ten and and the rumors about cooties were beginning to spread around the whole entire school. I mean if you asked me I think it was just the immature little boys that had nothing better to do then pick on all of us girls. Either way it didn't matter because Samuel Seth Stone turned out to be gay from what I had heard. Either way we were only ten and Samuel was so shy that when I asked him to be my boyfriend he got scared and ran away. Then Patrick Murkousi came out yelling "Emma has cooties!"

Not that it ruined my whole childhood but it wasn't fun, they only fun part about it was when Val pushed him on the playground and told him to... in her exact words:

"Shut the fuck up! You retard!"

Which of course got her sent to the principal's office.

"Hurry! We are gonna have so much fun tonight! I even have our outfits ready for us!" Val said jumping excitedly. I roll my and groan knowing how she is planning to dress me.

Here's a little guess:

A whole lot of cleavage out.

Valerie has always been okay with showing her body, she always complained that she didn't have curves, a big ass, or big boobs. But, that wasn't true she got her mom's lovely set of curves. They were light and delicate, every time she wore a dress that hugged her body you could see the curves pop out of nowhere. Even though she always seems confident and perfect I know she struggles with many issues. I just wish that she would talk to me about it.

She was never the type to talk deeply about her personal life, if something bad was happening she never wanted to put the weight on anyone else's shoulders so she would deal with the problem herself. The girl herself is stubborn as hell so don't even try to get the words out of her because she won't give in. "Where exactly are you taking us?" I ask her. "Don't you worry about it, let's just say that you're gonna like it." She says grabbing my hand and pulling along with her.

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