Unexpected Situation Clint Barton

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Twitter: mrstomholland23
Instagram: mrsimaginewriter
Kik: mrsimaginewriter
Snapchat: mayaproudfit

    Twitter: mrstomholland23Instagram: mrsimaginewriter Kik: mrsimaginewriterSnapchat: mayaproudfit

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For Mikayla26Rowe

Me and Clint were arguing once again, but then again when haven't we been arguing?

"You know what??!! If you can't handle this relationship then leave !!" I yelled at him his face was red from anger.

"You know what I will!" He yelled grabbing his duffle and bag and leaving. But not before slamming the door shut.

I sighed and slid down the wall and cried into my knees sobbing.

Recently I had been assigned on a mission by city but I didn't know if I was ready for the mission.
I had been throwing myself up s lot but I had always pushed it off thinking I just had a flu.

"Mrs L/& Keep your head together!l I heard Fury shout into my microphone.
I sighed frustrated, "I'm trying fury !" That's hand a bullet grazed my side.
I groaned in pain and fell to the ground. "Y/n." I managed to turn to Clint. But my vision started to fade out.

I heard a monitor beeping I managed to open my eyes and I turned to see Clint sleeping in the chair next to me.
I laid my hand on his and squeezed it even though we broken up that doesn't mean I don't love him still.
He woke up and hugged me and I winced . "Sorry y/n."
I smiled and laid my head in his cheek, "it's okay Clint."
That's when the doctor came in. "Good news miss l/n."
"Your going to be fine but I believe that when I wash ping through your records I have found that you are going to be having a baby."

Both of our eyes widened, and I turned to Clint.

"A baby?" The Doctor then excused herself and I hugged Clint. "We're going to be parents Clint!"
2 years later..(spongebob reference)

Your child name=y/c/n

2 years later we got back together and your child couldn't kkr you more happy with Clint.

That's when I heard someone yell , "mommy mommy!" He/she came and pulled on my arm and pulled me towards Clint. "Y/c/n what's going on?" "Dad wants to ask you something !"

He/she pulled me in front of Clint they were hopping up and down.
"Y/n we have been together for 2 years and almost 3 and I couldn't be anymore happy with you and I was wondering if you be making me the happiest man alive and become my wife." Tears were in my eyes and I hugged him and kissed his lips.
"Yes , Yes! Of course!" "Yay! Mommy said yes!"
I pulled her/him in for a group hug, "I love you both so much." Clint said and I kissed both of their cheeks. "We love you to!"

Hey I hope you liked this !! I really tried my best and this was such a cute idea ! I really hope you enjoyed it ❤️❤️

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