Chapter 1

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I smile as I open my bedroom door, noticing the boy who's been climbing through my window once a week for the last five years stretched a long my bed with his infamous smirk.

"Another fight?" I asked knowingly. Gerard nodded in response.  

Gerard and I have been friends since birth basically. Well, my birth. There's a year difference between him and I, and I just so happen to be the youngest. 
Our parents have been friends since high school so our friendship was almost forced, which isn't much of an inconvenience. Gerard has always been there for me when times were tough and I've gladly returned the favor to him multiple times. He's truly beautiful. And there's something special about him, and I'm blessed to be as close as I am to him, even if he does have negative sides to him.
And I, of course never told him those things in detail, considering the unspoken rule of being a teenage boy that you don't show a lot of affection towards your best and close friends. 

"She drives me crazy, Frank." Gerard laughed, "I swear she tries to find things to yell over," I watched him as he sat up on the bed. "She just cares about you, maybe she doesn't know how to show it properly and gets upset too easily?" I suggested, then letting out a small breath of air in response to Gerard rolling his eyes. 

"So, can I stay? Please?" He begged, "Just for the rest of the day?" I smiled at his pleading, "Gerard, is that even a question anymore?" And with that, he shot me another one of his infamous smirks. 

"Frank?" I looked up to Gerard facing the TV screen, and then I watched as he paused our game and looked in my direction. "Do you want to come along with me tonight, to this concert? It's a new band. I don't know, I thought you'd be interested since you haven't been to any in a while." Gerard rambled on, that was a bad habit of his. Rambling. Not as bad as some of his habits, like staying up too late or procrastinating on doing homework, which has led me to saving his ass more than once. He even has worse bad habits. He's sometimes what would be seen as a bad influence, or just a bad person, but he's not. He's Gerard, he's misunderstood and not many people understand his occasional outbursts, or his attitude when he feels threatened like I do. Well, I doubt anyone does. It's apart of the bond we share. 

"I'll go, when is it?" I replied in a soft voice.

"I think at 11:30, but I'll have to check," He quickly looked down at the controller, but looked back up just as fast. "We'll have to leave earlier though, just to be safe." I nodded, understanding where he was coming from. We'd be walking anyway, because Gerard got his license provoked for the multiple times he was caught speeding. Another bad habit of his.

"Well, you know how mom is," I sighed, hinting at the idea of him sneaking me out, which isn't much of a big deal, considering he does it all the time.
And there's a good part about having your parents grow up together, they couldn't keep us from each other. When we'd get caught doing something bad, in this case sneaking out, it was just a lecture and sometimes privileges would be taken away.  In fact, I just got my Playstation back from a few weeks ago when Gerard and I had gotten caught smoking cigarettes when we skipped class. I wasn't punished for doing what I did, it was for "letting Gerard influence me", which is not what happened; it was my idea.

Gerard always got the shitty side of the deal, his mom is pretty rough on him, which of course just inspires the rebellious side of the 17 year old, and it's all just a big cycle I've witnessed over & over ever since Gerard first became a teenager.

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