Lol Story BEN Drowned ver.

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Your POV:

The room was cold why was it so cold? I walked around trying to find the source. Where is the cold coming from?

Suddenly something wet started to come from the walls and filled up the room. is....that water!? Where does the water come from?!. I started to freak out. Why wouldn't the water stop?! Oh god!!!
The water was now up to my chest.That's when i heard it. Laughter?! "OH MY GOD! wow (Y/N)! You should look at your face!" "BEN?! What the Heck is this!?" Again laughter filled the room.i'm gonna kill you hear me!? I'm gonna kill you! All of a sudden i got pulled under water by my leg and i let out a scream. "KYYYYYYAAAAAAAA!" As soon as i was under water i felt someones arms wrap around me. W-what? "You okay Sunshine?" "BEN?" He was holding me close as the room full of water turned back to the room i was first in."Sorry Sunshine~ i just wanted to see your scared face when i pranked you~" "Prank me?...Prank...Me!? I almost died!" I Attacked him with kicks and punched him till he was red and Blue."tch you idiot" I walked off as i heard him chuckle behind me. "Love you too Sunshine" I blushed and smiled a tiny bit."i know you do, idiot" and with that i walked off to search for Slenderman to get a new Mission.

~Timeskip brought to you by Jeff and BEN fightning for you while E.J walks off with you~

"BEN!!!!!!! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!!!!!" I was taking a nice long shower as i got back from the Mission as Suddenly the damn water turned ice cold."HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i would "Love" to see you try!" "Fuck you you damn Demon!"the entire afternoon was spend with screams,laughter and a Lot of fun for the Creepypastas.

I'm so damn sorry for not updating. School is almost done and it's really stressful.
Also writers block is not helping ;^; i just wrote this ins school and had to upload it so i had something for you guys.
Next will be a request that has been in my mind for a while now but i never got to start it.
Enjoy this small story and the next part may come up soon. Depends on how school turns out to be.

Love you my dear Demons~
Also please don't be mad at me if this is boring you ;^;

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