Jane x Fem! Reader >Songfic< [Request]

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Request for AwkwardWritingPotato

Hope you enjoy!

(Y/N) = your name


Jane's POV:

She's so pretty...
Her hair...it looks so beautiful..
I wish i could tell her how i feel but i don't know how...
I am afraid of what the others would do if they would know...
Oh what am i gonna do?
I Know! There's a party happening tonight i will tell her then! But how....
How do i tell her and not make it obvious that i am into girls?...
Heh i got it. I hope she gets it!

☆♡~Timeskip to tonight~♡☆

Okay it's time...
I got this...
She's here!

Normal POV:

Jane stared at (Y/N) as she walked past talking to Eyeless Jack. She got all her courage and started the music. Everyone stopped talking and turned to Jane. "What is that crazy bitch doing now" "Jeff shut up" "tsk..". Everyone could tell Jane Was nervous and (Y/N) decided to calm her down. "Jane whatever you plan to do, do it! I'll Support you!"

Jane's POV:

"Jane whatever you plan to do, do it! I'll Support you!"
She's to sweet no wonder i love her.
I looked up and smiled

>play the song now<

I've been hiding for so long
These feelings, they're not gone

I looked at (Y/N) as i started to sing the first few parts and i noticed her small blush. God She's so adorable.

(Y/N)'s POV:

Wow...i didn't know she could sing. She sounds amazing i wish i could hear it before!

Normal POV:

Jane and (Y/N) looked at each other and Jane smiled at the amazed look on (Y/N) face.

Can i tell anyone?
Afraid of what they'll say

Jane looked at everyone else that's around and saw them all confused but amazed at the same time. 'Maybe....maybe this will work out'.

So i push them away
I'm acting so strange

Jane's POV:

'Well...here goes nothing i guess' i took a deep breath to calm myself down and looked at everyone in front of me

Normal POV:

they're so pretty it hurts,
I'm not talking 'bout boys,
I'm talking 'bout girls

They're so pretty with their
Button-up shirts

'I-i didn't know she felt that way' (Y/N) thought to herself and started to smile. 'I'm glad she found a way to tell everyone even tho i doubt anyone else gets her haha'. Jane saw the smile and blushed as it made (Y/N) look more beautiful in her eyes.

I shouldn't be feeling this
But it's to hard to resist
Soft skin and soft lips

I should be into this guy

Jane pointed at Jeff. He just looked confused. "Me?"

But it's just a waste of time
He's really not my type


Jane laughed and continued her song

I know what i like
No, this is not a phase
Or a coming of age
This will never change

They're so pretty it hurts,
I'm not talking 'bout boys,
I'm talking 'bout girls

Jane walked closer to (Y/N) and softly took her hand in hers while smiling.

They're so pretty with their
Button-up shirts

They're so pretty it hurts,
I'm not talking 'bout boys,
I'm talking 'bout girls

They're so pretty with their
Button-up shirts

(Y/N) smiled softly and looked up at Jane as she softly reached up to place her hand on Jane's cheek. Jane looked her in the eyes and softly sang the next few lines.

'Cause i don't know
What to do

It's not like i get to choose
Who i love

Who i love~
Who i love~
Who i love~

She's so pretty it hurts,
I'm not talking 'bout boys,
I'm talking 'bout girls

She's so pretty in her Button-up shirts

And She's so pretty it hurts,
I'm not talking 'bout boys,
I'm talking 'bout girls

Jane leaned down and softly kissed (Y/N) before whispering the last line to her "You're so pretty, it hurts~" "Jane...i..." Jane quickly stopped her from talking and smiled. "It's okay if you don't feel the same i just wanted to say how i feel about you without making it to obvious.." "Jane. I like you too. It was a very sweet way of showing me your feelings" "really?!" "Yes really" "oh my good (Y/N)!" Jane hugged the smaller girl and spun her  around. "I'm so happy!" She leaned down to kiss her again. "*cough* could you two get a room?" "Hehe sorry" "come on let's have a fun night" "Alright!" Jane and (Y/N) sat down and Jane took her hand."i'm glad you like me back. I'll be with you no matter what i promise" "same here Jane" they both smiled at each other and shared another kiss underneath the beautiful moonlight.


AHHH i hope it's good!!!!
I haven't wrote a songfic in so long i don't know how this turned out!
Please give me some Feedback i would appreciate it big time

Another Request will be out later today!

☆♡~Bye my sweets!~♡☆

☆♡~Bye my sweets!~♡☆

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2021 ⏰

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