little hotchner part 2

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Aaron's pov

The words Emily said made me almost pass out.......i hear her say Babe, my water broke we have to get to the hospital fast because i think i am having my first contraction right now. I look at her and said just breathe okay it's all going to be okay i am going to get the baby bag and we are leaving so just hang tight i will call the team when we are at the hospital. she gives me a nod and i tell her to sit down if the contractions hurt too much. i run to Matthew's room and i grab everything and we both leave.I had the car from work tonight so i was happy because it had lights so i can run through red lights so we get to the hospital fast before she has Matthew. in the matter of 10 minutes we were at the hospital and we were admitted to the maternety ward of the hospital and all the calls to the team were made and Emily was in a lot of pain at that moment but she was still smiling like she always did. Around 20 minutes later, Penelope showed up and said that she saw JJ and Reid show up right behind her. Not even a second goes by and JJ and Reid show up and they give me a hug and told me congrats on being a dad. the nurse tells me Emily is ready to push in about 20 hours from now. i look at the nurse and i say wow Emily is going to be in a lot of pain for 20 hours....i better not tell her that she will kill me.


we make it to the hospital and i had my 5th contraction. i got admitted a few minutes ago and the pain is really bad and i wish it would stop.i see Penelope come in the room and then JJ and Reid come in to say hi and to wish me luck on being a mom. i am so thankful that i have good friends to help me through this and to have my back during this step in life for me and Aaron. i see Aaron come in and say you look beautiful Em even when your in labor. i look at him and laugh and said thanks honey just remember you did this to me and i will make you suffer as much pain that i am  having right now. he smiles at me and gives me the you will thank me later look and kisses me and we know in 20 hours, our lives will change for the better.

19 hours later.........

Aaron's pov

the team is waiting for me to come out to anounce the arrival of baby Matthew Hotchner and i know they are just as excited as Emily and i are to meet him. The nurse comes in and says it's time you two, you both ready to meet him. i look at Emily and she says we have never been so sure in our lives.So the nurse goes to get the doctor and we are so happy and nothing could be better then this moment right now.i turn to Emily and say i have never been so happy to be in a hospital in my whole life, i'm here having a baby with you and he is mine and i could never ask for anything else because i have everything i have ever wanted in my life. she looks at me and says i know Aaron but our lives are going to change forever and in a good way. the doctor comes in and say get ready to push. around 45 minutes later Emily is on her last push and we are about to meet baby Matthew........


we are all waiting for Hotch to come out and tell us the baby is here. we are all getting excited to see him come out with the baby. suddenly,the door opens and it's hotch..........with a little bunddle of joy in his arms,he says everyone meet Matthew Aaron gray son. we all are amazed of how Emily did this we are all proud of her. he asks us to come in the room so we all follow and what we see gives us all a shock.......Emily holding another baby and it's a girl....they both said we lied to you guys i had twins this is Victoria may Hotchner our little girl.

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