Broken part 2

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Emily's pov
Useless is what you feel when you feel when you feel like you failed as a parent at that moment but then you remember that it's not your fault.

I sit there not believing what I just heard. "Oh god Aaron what's happening to us"I say through sobs. "I don't know babe but all we can do is pray" Aaron says rubbing my back. "Would you like to see them" the doctor asks."yes we would" I say wiping my tears and pulling myself together. Me and Aaron walk in to see Victoria and Matthew with a bunch of tubes and wires around them. I look at them and burst into tears. Aaron holds me and cries as well.we hear another sob but it's not me or Aaron but we notice who it is... "Garcia you shouldn't be here" Aaron says. "Emily called and I couldn't help myself those are my god babies sir" Penelope sobs. "I know Penelope They're my babies" I say pulling her into a hug. "I don't know what to do Garcia I'm so scared" I say sobbing into her shoulder.

Aaron's POV
Emily is broken but so am I. She hugs Garcia and cries in her arms. I hear JJ and the rest of the team arrive and they all hug us and say there sorry. "Mr and mrs hotchner" the doctor says. "That's us" Emily says. "Your going to want to sit down" the doctor says. Me and Emily look at each other. As we sit down I grab her hand, I have a feeling that this news was going to hurt us. "Matthew and Victoria aren't going to make it" the doctor says with sadness. The team gasped and Emily broke down and cried into my arms and I cried as well. "Do we get to say goodbye" Emily asked. "Yes you do" the doctor says. "So we can all go in" JJ says sobbing. "Yes you can" "so emily should we go stay with them" I ask. "Yes I want to spend as much time with them as I can" she says sobbing. We all walk into there room and sit in the chairs and hold them,Emily holds Matthew and JJ holds Victoria for the last time. "I can't believe I have to say goodbye to you Matthew,you are always going to live in mommy's heart and I love you so much and I'm going to miss you with every beat of my heart" Emily says kissing his tiny forehead. The rest of the team hold them and said goodbye and I love you and stayed with us.

4 hours later.....
Emily's POV
Me and the team haven't slept yet because we are crying and waiting for the worst to dawn upon us. Aaron and I look at the twins for the last time. "We should say something to them em" Aaron says. "Yeah we should" i say. "Hey you guys I'm so so sorry this is happening to you and I wish we could have done more to save you both, mommy and daddy love you so much no matter what and we are going to miss the living shit out of you both, you are the highlight of our lives and we love you so much" I say as we kiss there foreheads and we hear a long flatline sound and the team jumps up and they shake their heads in disbelief and they sob as me and Aaron sob and hold each other. "They deserved so much better Aaron,there lives were too short" I sob. We hug the team and cry for two hours then we decided to go home... but me trying to leave empty handed hurt more then getting shot. I held Aaron's hand and walked out.

We arrived home and sat there for a while and cried. "I want this to be a dream Aaron I want to wake up and see them" I say. "I know Emily it doesn't feel real to me" Aaron says. We knew it wasn't a dream, we were living a nightmare.

I'm so sorry I did this to you all but I was running out of ideas
Btw the next chapter is the last one!!

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