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Y/N's P.O.V

I wish I could tell him my true feelings but I'm scared he'll never talk to me again and we'll never be like we were before, it could risk our whole friendship which I'de rather have then nothing.

"Hey Y/N , do you wanna go shopping at mall with me and Betty and we have a sleep over at mine afterwards?"

"Sorry Veronica, I can't tonight I have to go shopping for some food for my mum maybe tomorrow?"

"Sure can't wait !"

It was the end of school and Y/N went to the store straight after school ended.

In the store

As I was grabbing stuff off the shelf as I go around and I suddenly here a familiar voice.

"Y/N is that you?"

"Oh Hey Juggie what are you doing here?"

"Just grabbing some food for tonight can't really cook ..."

"Oh right I'm just here for my mum she wants some stuff for dinner so I offered to go to store instead of her"

"Do you want some help with the bags when your finished I've only got one thing?"

"That would be really nice thank you Juggie!"

At Home

As Y/N and Juggie are standing at the door step shopping bags in hands, Y/N opens door and sets the bags on the table so does Jughead.

" Mom is back form the store!"

"Thanks honey I'll get straight to making dinner"

"I'll guess I'll have to go since I need to get back to Archie's before he gets worried about me"

"Okay I'll walk you out."

"Hey, thank you so much fro helping me with the bags"

" No problem , i kinda liked it since we spent some time together"

"Same ,it felt really nice"

"Do you wanna hang out some other time like at the movies or-"

" are you trying to ask me out on a date?"

"Yes I am , so ?"

"Yes i'de love to"

"Great I'll see you tomorrow at school and we can talk more about this date"

" Definitely"

"Bye Y/N"

"Bye Juggie"

Y/N was a bout to go back in the house but was stopped by Jughead shouting her name , and turned around to see him running back to her.

"I forgot to do something !"

"What did you forget to do ?"


Suddenly Jughead smashed his lips onto hers and placed his hands onto her face lightly.
She instantly kissed back and wrapped her arms around his neck.

They finally pulled away from each other's grasps.

"I'll see you tomorrow Y/N"

Winking at her and leaving with a bug smirk on his face, leaving Y/N who was blushing extremely.

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