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Today was Y/N's funeral

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Today was Y/N's funeral. If it wasn't for me she wouldn't be in a coffin right now.

All her family was here,friends even people who she hardly know came.
Her family asked if i could help carry the coffin into the church, at first I didn't want to do it because I caused her death but deep down inside I knew she would want me to.

As we carried the coffin into the graveyard I couldn't stop crying. She died too soon,she had so much ahead of her and I toke that away from her. She didn't deserve to die, it should of been me.

We set her coffin down and they lowered her into the ground to be never seen again. Her family and friends couldn't stop crying and screaming for her to come back.

If I was just acted like a true boyfriend this would have been avoided but we can't travel back in time and change history.

Everyone had left but I stayed and watched over her. I couldn't leave her here alone here in the cold. It should be me who is in the ground in a coffin not her.

I knelt down next to her grave and cried a waterfall of tears. She didn't deserve this.

"I'm so sorry so sorry Y/N, this is all my fault , I wish it was me not you!"

Slowly, I stood up and grabbed my rose and kissed it rand threw it into the hole where she laid silently as a kiss goodbye before they filled the hole with dirt.

I walked away from her and seeped silently knowing that I will never get to kiss her,hug her,smile with her,laugh with her or see her again.


I still visit her grave everyday. I never stopped loving her, I probably won't stop loving her even though she's no longer with us.

I still haven't accepted the fact that she's gone. I don't think no one has yet, she had such an impact on the people who knew her but she'll never know that she did.

She was so loved by everyone, north side and southside. The serpents had their tribute to Y/N with a motorbike ceremony and declared that she was a serpent,since she had helped the serpents on numerous accessions, I saw many serpents cry for the first time even Toni,Fangs and Sweet Pea.

The north side also had a tribute for her since she was an expelled student and friend to everyone at Riverdale high. The vixens made a dance routine for her and the bulldogs dedicated their wins to Y/N. Also a minute of silence was held in Riverdale for her.

She would of smiled at all this that was done for her, she thought that she was just a ordinary girl but in reality she was the queen of Riverdale and she always will be remembered.

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