9 - Prank Gone Wild

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I toyed with the idea of dousing him with a whole bucket of water, envisioning the startled expression on his face. Yet I quickly discarded the thought, realising it was too cliché and lacked creativity. Instead, I yearned for a revenge plan that would truly make him pay for interrupting my peaceful slumber. A mischievous smile danced on my lips as I plotted ways to exact the perfect revenge. The possibilities were endless, and I relished the idea of teaching him a lesson he wouldn't soon forget. He may not realise it, but I am not really myself when I am sleepy. My mind ventures into peculiar thoughts that even the baddest psychos would find unsettling, and he has just activated that side of mine. I looked around the room until my eyes settled on the pillow. I always craved hitting him. Now is the chance. But just a hit will not suffice. Let me mix the old and new methods.

I casually strolled over to 'my' bed, picking up the firmest pillow I could find with my right hand and a container filled to the brim with ice water with my left. Even though he appeared to be sleeping like a corpse, palms crossed and all, I knew he must be aware of my actions. With a whispered "psst," I tried to get his attention. As I expected, there was no response. Without a second thought, I poured the entire jug of water over him. Instantly, he shot up from the bed, but before he could comprehend what was happening, I forcefully struck him in the face with the cushion. Losing his balance, he tumbled onto the bed with a loud crash. The expression on his face was priceless, resembling that of an angry child unsure of what to do. He glared at me as I envisioned myself in a white dress with a cross on my chest.

With my heart pounding in my chest like a caged animal, I scrambled to my feet, frantically searching for an escape route. Before he could regain his balance, I darted towards the washroom and swiftly bolted the door behind me. As I leaned against the cold porcelain sink, my mind raced, the sharp voice of reason in my head screaming that locking the door was futile. After all, Ryan had the speed of a vampire; he could easily catch up to me, ending my life in an instant. But amidst the excitement gripping me, a perplexing question nagged at my thoughts: why hadn't he done so already?

Despite being the one drenched from head to toe, it was not him trembling in that damp room. Oh no! It was I who quivered with sheer joy, not with fear. I liked it, and I liked it so much. A smile slowly crept across my face, stretching into a mischievous Cheshire grin as his throaty growl echoed through the air, reminiscent of a ferocious lion. He bellowed curses, his fury palpable, and I knew deep down that my days were numbered. Yet I delighted in provoking him, savouring the thrill of pushing his buttons, and if given the opportunity, I would gladly do it all over again. At least in that last moment, I would depart this world without a shred of regret.

I heard him stomp out of the room, and the door slammed shut. Has he left? Is that it? Isn't he going to drain my blood or break down the door? Once my pulse returned to normal, I pressed my ear against the door, confirming absolute silence in the room. Overcome by curiosity, I cautiously opened the bathroom door and peered through, reaffirming its safety. Exiting the bathroom, I discovered my sheets scattered on the floor.

Oh boy, he must have been seething with anger. What can I say? He ought to face the consequences of his actions. I mean, come on, he really should have known what he was getting himself into. It's not like I ever tried to hide the fact that I am... well, let's just say, far from normal. I stood there, peering at the mess I had to clean up, when suddenly a flicker of movement caught my eye behind the massive drapes. I could feel my hands trembling as I stumbled over to investigate. To my astonishment, instead of a plain old window, there stood a magnificent sliding glass door. A balcony? Who would've thought? I reached out and grabbed the heavy handle, apprehension coursing through my veins as a gust of cool air embraced my face. I carefully approached the iron rails, my eyes feasting on the breathtaking view. The scenery was absolutely stunning, even after dark. I assumed this was the rear part of the mansion, with a pool area directly beneath me.

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