10 - Socialising time.

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An entire week has come and gone since my arrival at this mysterious place, yet the answers I seek elude me like the ethereal mist that hovers just outside my grasp. Each time I dare to enquire about something, the inmates here swiftly divert my attention elsewhere. It perplexes me to no end, for it seems as though they are purposely keeping me in the dark—each and every one of them, even Sid. And as for Elizabeth, the woman who captured my heart at that memorable gathering, she too seems to avoid me deliberately, leaving me alone to wonder.

Ryan has gone for a meeting ever since that night and hasn't come back yet. With each knock on my door, my heart leaps with anticipation, only to be crushed by the presence of Marg or Sid. Yet, I cannot deny the consolation they have provided; their company is a welcome distraction from the puzzle that surrounds me. Alice and Rose, with their exotic charm and undeniable charisma, have graced me with their presence twice this week, bridging the gap between our apparent genetic differences. Rather than prodding them with my endless queries, I have chosen to relish in their delightful companionship, embracing the joy it brings.

But Ryan's whereabouts remain unknown. They only revealed that Edmund, Jeryl, Adrian, and Neha had departed alongside him to an undisclosed meeting of utmost importance. As a captive of my own curiosity, I have been reduced to mere idleness, confined within these walls, awaiting the arrival of visitors to break the monotony of solitude. Boredom has sunk its formidable claws into my existence, and I could no longer tolerate it. I think it's time to socialise.

Once the sunlight gently filtered through the curtains, I woke up with a feeling of sheer excitement. Waking up early has never been my forte, but today seemed like a miraculous exception. My mind was already buzzing with anticipation for the day ahead as I hastily dressed, eager to embark on this new experience. Knowing I couldn't afford to dawdle, I followed Marg's directions meticulously, grateful for the little map she had thoughtfully drawn for me. Without her guidance, I might have been doomed to wander aimlessly through this labyrinthine maze.

As I stepped into the kitchen, my jaw practically hit the ground. It was a culinary paradise on an extravagant scale, effortlessly dwarfing even the most luxurious five-star hotel kitchens. Everything gleamed with pristine cleanliness, the kind that would make a germaphobe weep tears of joy. The counter, in particular, was so immaculate that it could double as a bed, if only the freezing chill of the marble didn't deter me from such a whimsical idea. Exactly how rich were these people?

The early hour had granted me the solitude of the haven. The refrigerator stood like a mammoth beast, its inside overflowing with an impressive array of cooking delights. It was as if the world's cuisines had converged within its metallic walls, creating a dizzying profusion of options that left me momentarily bewildered. The pantry mirrored the fridge, brimming with exotic ingredients from far-flung corners of the globe, leaving me perplexed by items whose names I couldn't even pronounce, let alone recognise.

As my eyes darted across the foreign packaging, absorbing every detail, I decided to play it safe. Opting for a simple yet exquisite sandwich, I gingerly plucked the finest ingredients from the infinite inventory before me. The notion of accidentally using human meat instead of beef made me extra careful, not that I found any.

Cooking turned out to be an unexpected source of pleasure for me. While I stood in the kitchen, I couldn't help but hum along to a random song playing in my head. The simple task of toasting the bread and assembling the ingredients filled the room with an enticing aroma that made my stomach grumble in delight. It seemed like no matter how much I fed it, my insatiable hunger never went away. But that didn't stop me from enjoying every single bite.

I climbed onto the counter, my legs swaying in satisfaction while I was lost in my own world of crispy deliciousness. Unfortunately, my moment of bliss was abruptly interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat. I turned around to find a man in chef's clothing, his serious expression contrasting with the lightheartedness of the moment. Judging by his appearance, he seemed to be in his late twenties, but I knew better than to rely on first impressions when it comes to age. His face was different from the other vampires and looked damn serious. His muscular frame and the tightness of his sleeves hinted at his physical strength, a trait that blessed my eyes. Hmm, yummy! With a genuine smile on my face, I gestured towards my plate, clearly enjoying my sandwich, and offered him the extra one. He definitely worked here and he must not have had breakfast yet.

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