20 - I Can't!

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Ryan's Point of View 

I had just unveiled a significant truth about her life, expecting a reaction of shock, confusion, or even disbelief. Yet, her response was oddly subdued. She lay there, propped up in bed, her gaze fixed on the ceiling as though we had merely discussed the weather or an ordinary topic. There was no visible sign of panic, no dramatic outbursts—just a never-ending silence that felt almost eerie.

The calmness in her demeanour was unsettling, more unnerving than if she had reacted with distress or outrage. Her composed silence was making me increasingly anxious. It was as if her calmness was masking an internal storm.

"You know, Atarah," I said, trying to mask my growing unease, "it would actually be better if you fell unconscious or something. I am seriously done with this silent treatment."

I needed to break through the silence to understand what she was feeling and thinking. Her lack of reaction was becoming a heavy burden, amplifying my own fears and concerns. The quiet between us was almost suffocating, and I was desperate for some sign of acknowledgment or emotion that could help me gauge her state of mind. I was deeply concerned about getting her back to her normal self. She had already endured so much, and the fact that I had hidden the truth from her for so long only added to my regrets. I feared that the weight of this revelation might be too much for her to handle, and I was desperate to see her regain her emotional equilibrium.

"I am not going mad, Ryan."

Her words cut through my anxiety. I wanted to respond with, "I don't think so," but I held back, choosing instead to let her speak. The fact that she was at least talking was a small relief.

"I just feel like it's time to end all of this drama."

The word "drama" caught me off guard. I furrowed my brows in confusion, trying to understand how she could reduce such a grave situation to something as trivial as drama. Still, I kept my composure and let her continue.

"I mean, please man, how can somebody's life be this complicated? I thought my parents had passed away in an accident, but now you're telling me they were murdered by some random evil ruler? What's more, the people I thought of as my grandparents are actually the ones you recruited to take care of me?"

As I watched her, I noticed her eyes starting to well up with tears. Seeing her cry was something I deeply hated. It was heartbreaking to witness her pain, knowing I was partly responsible for the emotional turmoil she was experiencing. Despite my urge to offer comfort or try to soothe her with words, I remained silent. She had a valid point; she had spent years living under false pretences, and the sudden revelation of her true identity was a massive shift that was incredibly hard to process. What she needed now was someone to listen. I understood that she needed to express her feelings, to let out the emotional weight that had built up over time. I wanted to be there for her, not just as a confidant but as someone who truly cared and loved her.

"You know, Ryan, I used to watch a lot of vampire movies and read those books. I even dreamed of being Bella from Twilight. But those were just fantasies. They can't come true, can they? No, they can't. And now, look at me. I am more than just Bella. I am a princess; I am a leader. Doesn't that seem absurd to you? All this stuff happening to a girl like me—it's beyond anything I could have imagined. I am just a normal human girl who wants nothing more than some love, care, and affection. This isn't what I signed up for. My life isn't a fairy tale, and frankly, I don't want it to be. I am done with all of this. I think it's time for me to leave."

Okay, perhaps I had been too much of a good listener. It was clear she was overwhelmed and desperately wanted to escape from the chaotic whirlwind of her new reality. 

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