19 - No more secrets

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I may be resembling a sculpture right now. You know why? Because I've literally given up breathing. It's not that I want to stop, but rather that my lungs have seemingly decided to abandon their one job. Why does everything end up on my shoulders? Why is God making my life a living hell? Am I the only one here for him to toy with? It's not like I have even done something wrong to deserve such a punishment.

"Atarah, relax."

Ryan's voice cut through the chaos, his tone calm and soothing. I felt his hands drawing gentle, repetitive circles on my back, which I assume is his way of providing comfort. When did he get so close to me? It's strange that I didn't notice his approach earlier. And why do I have this overwhelming sensation of suffocation? First, I was kidnapped and taken to another realm, then I was forced to live with vampires, witches, werewolves, and dark shape-shifters. Some old werewolf claims himself to be my grandfather, and I have two mates. I've been engulfed in flames and now, incredibly, I am now the owner of some deathly creatures. This entire situation is beyond absurd! It's like one drama after another. 

"Atty. Please listen to me. Breathe."

Did he just call me Atty? Regardless, can't he understand that I desperately want to breathe? But it seems there's something, some insidious force, preventing me from doing so. Oh, I think that force is what they call 'shock'. Suddenly, the world around me began to spin uncontrollably. Is this what it feels like to be on a giant wheel? Without warning, my legs betrayed me, giving way beneath me. I collapsed to the ground with a resounding thud.

"Shit, she's passing out."

Those were the last words I heard before my consciousness slipped away, carrying me into a momentary, blissful rest.


"Please wake up for me."

The urgent and pleading words cut through the hazy fog of my unconsciousness. I tried to place the voice, but it was as if I were struggling through a thick, dark veil. Who is this person, and why are they trying to pull me away from my best friend—sleep, of course?

"I want you, Atty. I need you."

Wait a minute. Is that Ryan? No, it can't be. Ryan never speaks in such a heartfelt, desperate manner. His voice always carries a certain casual ease that I recognise well. Yet, there is something hauntingly familiar about this new voice calling out to me.


With every ounce of strength I could muster, I tried to move my eyelids, which felt like they were weighed down by lead. My muscles were stiff, unyielding, and heavy, as though they had been carved from stone. Slowly, I managed to pry my eyes open, squinting against the bright, sterile light that assaulted my senses. As my vision cleared, I saw him sitting in a chair right next to my bed. His posture was tense, his head bowed, and his hands resting gently on top of my right hand, which was connected to a tube leading to some medical equipment. Am I in a hospital? 

Ryan must have sensed my movement as he lifted his head immediately and greeted me with a tired smile.

"Thank God. You are awake. You have been unconscious for two days."

The relief in his voice was palpable, and it registered that I had been out of it for an entire two days. My mind reeled at the thought.

"Two days? But I just started sleeping," 

I managed to croak out, my voice sounding foreign and weak to my ears. This place seems to have a strange connection with my sleep patterns. Every time I lose consciousness, it feels like I am out for an eternity, and when I finally do wake up, I am still exhausted. But two days? That seems excessively long, as if I were trapped in some sort of mini-coma. It's disorienting and frustrating.

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