Dead Lovers

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The whole of New York might have heard him. Still, Raphaël and Lillian looked at Asmodeus with blank faces.

"What. Do. You. Mean?"

Raphael was breathless, and so was Lillian.

Asmodeus looked outside the window and talked, audible to only nearby people.

"I meant that the so called 'monster' is my son."

No one spoke anything. Even young Atarah stopped crying.

"He's not dead, but only in a coma. He has been in that position for centuries. Everything is because of that stupid noble. The moment he realized that I had an affair with his vampire wife, he started punishing her. But still, Ella loved me."

He now looked at Raphael with burning eyes.

"Henry is not his son. He is mine. That idiot knew it and tortured both of them. Especially when I make a visit to councils. He made Henry a monster by altering his genes with the help of powerful witches, right from when Ella was carrying. My boy destroyed everything that came across him. Taking this into advantage, the stupid noble tried to kill both my beloveds. I lost Ella, but my men managed to save Henry. I later killed the noble and claimed that it was me who gave him the idea of killing the newborn and his mother so that no one would doubt me."

He sighed and turned his attention back to the outside world.

"Henry was barely living by the time I got him. He has never even grown an extra hair over the years. He is still my little boy. After lots of witch medications and checkups, they concluded that only the heart of a royal cross breed could save him. After years, I found her. She...." he raised his finger at Atarah, "is going to bring my son back."

Raphael was speechless. Does that mean their daughter is not harmful? The previous cross breed was dangerous because his genes were altered. And all these years, everyone thought it had something to do with their lineage. They can return to their dimension if the world gets to know about this. Despite the situation, he dreamed of a new life where Atarah could be with her real family and be raised as the princess she was.

"No. No, please. You can't do that. He would kill everyone. He's a destroyer."

Though Raphael tried to reason with Asmodius, it was all in vain. The more he pleaded, the more Asmodius became angry.

"I don't care a heck about the world. All I want is my son back. I want to be a good father for him. I want to hear him call me 'dad'. I want to see him grow up. And I would go to any extent to make that happen."

Asmodeus was more evil than anyone imagined, and with the number of forbidden witches he had as friends, no one could harm him, unless a power more fierce than the rest was created. Unfortunately, that was his own son.

Lillian was hysterical when Marcus and the other men tried to take Atarah.

"My daughter may be a cross breed. But she doesn't inherit any powers. She's harmless, just like a normal girl."

Meanwhile, Raphael pushed Marcus across the room with all his strength.

Asmodeus laughed humorlessly.

"Is that what you thought? That she's a normal girl?"

He laughed again, seeing Raphael's and Lillian's worried expressions.

"She's more than what you think, fools. She's a girl with infinite powers, but only a late bloomer. Her heart will make my son even stronger. And with him by my side, I will rule the entire world."

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