Impala (Sam x Reader)*

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Notes: (Y/F/M/G) ~ Your Favorite Music Genre

Notes: (Y/F/M/G) ~ Your Favorite Music Genre

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"No, no. You guys go without me. I'll be fine here." Dean waves the two other hunters away from behind the laptop screen. Sam furrows his eyebrows and exchanges looks with (Y/N). They smile at Dean and make their way outside and to the impala. Once on the road, the two found themselves listening to whatever was on the radio. It was definitely a change from what Dean had them listening to most of the time. Sam was the type to listen to softer music while (Y/N) was into (Y/F/M/G). The witnesses were about a town over so they had a little bit of time to listen to whatever they wanted.

It wasn't until they were almost there that (Y/N)'s favorite song came on the station. She lit up immediately with happiness and sang out the words, causing Sam to laugh a little. "You're horrible!" He grinned, looking from the road to (Y/N), "Be quieter, you're making my ears bleed." It was this kind of joking that made the two unlikely friends. They always teased each other about the little things, sometimes going too far. (Y/N) smirked at the youngest Winchester, her tongue crawling across her bottom lip, "You're not the boss of me." It was those simple words that made Sam's pants a little bit tighter. It has been too many times that he's felt like this towards (Y/N) and he wasn't going to just let it get to him again. He turned down a random gravel road off to the side and turned to the now confused girl.

"Sam, the town is that way, why did you stop?" She pointed to the road the two were previously on, eyebrows coming together. "So, I'm not the boss of you, huh?" Without warning, the man grabbed (Y/N)'s face and pulled it towards his, lips connecting. At first, she didn't kiss back out of shock but soon sunk into the man's body. He pulled back, studying her, eyes lustful and fierce. "Take off your shirt." This confused her even more but complied anyways, rumpling her tight tank top at the bottom and pulling it off of her torso, revealing a black lacy bra. This is something Sam has dreamed about ever since he set eyes on the young girl merely two years ago. His eyes fell to her breasts, his right hand cupping her right breast. "You're so beautiful." He spoke as he began to kiss her cheek and trail down to her neck, sucking hard. So hard that a hickie was already beginning to appear as he pulled away seconds later.

"Sam, why are we doing this?" She asked, placing her hand on the nape of his neck as he continued to suck harder and harder. (Y/N) felt his lips curl into a smile as he pulled away once again, looking up at her. "Because I'm the boss of you and I say so." His hand left her breast and reached around her torso to find the clasp of the girl's bra, undoing it quickly and exposing her soft and beautiful breasts. (Y/N)'s nipples hardened at the combination of the cold winter air and Sam's breath as he studied them. As his lips curled around a soft bud, (Y/N) let out a low moan, intriguing the man even more than he already was. His hand rose up to tease the opposite nipple, squeezing and rolling the bud between his thumb and forefinger. A grunt escaped Sam's mouth as (Y/N) lowered her hand to his groin, rubbing it slowly but hard. He released his mouth's grip on her nipple and kissed her hard and lustful. "Not yet." He growled, "I want to enjoy this."

His hand lowered away from her breasts finding its way to her lower thigh, pulling her into the middle of the connecting seats of the Impala so that she was laying down beneath him. She giggled before planting more kisses on his soft lips. "Do what you want to me, boss." She smirked between kisses as Sam unbuttoned her pants and pulled them down to her knees beneath him. "Planned on it." Without a warning, his hand was dangerously close to her panties, massaging and pinching her thighs. The man sat up, back against the window. "Okay, now if we're going to do this and make it work in this tiny car, I'm going to need you to get on all fours, princess." The young girl nodded and obeyed his order, turning over onto her hands and knees. Sam chuckled before tracing a line on top of her panties along her crack to her warmth that were already wet with need for him. "God, you're already soaking, (Y/N)? I guess you really do like dominant men." A howl of laughter erupted from the man as (Y/N) turned her head around towards him, red staining her cheeks immediately. His fingers dug under the seam of the top of her panties, pulling them down slowly, her pussy glistening with the promised dripping liquid that Sam was looking forward to lapping up.

His tongue met with her sensitive core, licking from her clit to her opening and making its way back again. "You taste so... sweet." He smirked as (Y/N) buried her head in her hands, her head meeting the seat and giving Sam better access to her cunt, lapping up ever liquid. His lips found her clip and circled around it, sucking graciously, introducing tongue to circle the sensitive bundle of nerves. "Sam..." (Y/N) moaned out his name as a wave of pleasure traveled throughout the girl's body. The man let go of her clit before sticking his own fingers in his mouth and collecting saliva, lubing up his digits. Sam inserted a single finger, which seemed to get (Y/N) going immediately, moaning loudly with pleasure. As he pumped, his mouth continued its previous actions, finding her clit again. "More." The only words (Y/N) could let out through whimpers.

"More what?" Sam let go of her clit again. "More, please." (Y/N) said through grinning teeth as Sam pumped faster and faster. "More, please what?" He was now grinning as she groaned in frustration. "More please, sir!" She yelled. Complying, Sam inserted another finger and began sucking harder on her clit, the feeling throughout her body growing closer and closer. A loud moan erupted out of her mouth as her walls tightened around the man's fingers. As she came, Sam helped her ride out the orgasm before taking out his fingers and licking them up and down. (Y/N) turned around in her seat and smiled at him, "My turn." Her hands worked at his belt as she kissed him, tasting herself on his lips and tongue, a taste that was true to his words.

As she freed his belt, she unzipped his pants and pulled both his jeans and boxers down, revealing a cock that was true to the man's height. It was just as she imagined it would be. Her kisses trailed away from his lips and slowly down his neck until she pulled away and brought her head down closer to his throbbing member. Her lips curled around the tip, salty liquid already pooling at the top of it. Teasing him, her tongue circled around the head, earning her a loud groan from him. His hand found its way to the top of her head, collecting her long hair into his hand and pushed her head down carefully as not to gag the poor girl (as much as he wanted to). (Y/N) let out a moan as she began bobbing her head up and down, starting slowly and getting faster in time. "(Y/N), I'm not going to last long if you keep up with that voice of yours." He growled as he bucked his hips slightly, sending his cock to the back of (Y/N)'s throat abruptly.

It was a little known fact that she was experienced in this department, a secret she kept to her self for a while, only to be revealed at this exact moment. Taking the cock out of her mouth for a brief second to catch her breath, she immediately brought it back in, taking all of it in, causing her to gag a little. "God damn." Sam grunted in surprise, no one had ever deepthroated him before until now. It was then that (Y/N) felt the warm liquid spill into the back of her throat. Freeing him from her mouth, she brought her head up to face Sam, who was now wide eyed as she swallowed and smiled at the man. "Think you're kinky, huh?" She grinned before placing her head on his chest and resting for a minute.

All of a sudden, a tap on the window made the two scramble like teenagers to cover themselves back up. Sam turned to see a police officer with his flashlight out and pointing at the two of them. Rolling down the window, Sam wondered how long they had been on that side road. "Come on, don't do it here. There's a motel down the road. I'm letting your off on a warning, okay?" The officer grinned and left the two laughing in embarrassment together. 

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