Never Met You (ReaderxSam)

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The vampires grip around her neck was tightening by the second. The longer it kept its hold on her, the more her will to stop it diminished, the air and blood ceasing from traveling to her head. As she stared into the creature's dark and determined eyes, her body started feeling heavier and heavier, her legs unable to support her weight anymore. The only thing holding her up was the arm across her chest and hand around her neck. Choking on her own waning breath, a voice disrupted the pair, their heads turning towards the source, "Get off her!" Her eyes rested on a tall man with dark hair and dark hazel eyes, catching him with an axe mid-air as he swung and cut off the vampire's head in one swift move.

(Y/N) fell to her knees as blood splattered all over her face and in her mouth. She spat out as much as she could, gagging and trying to catch her breath all at the same time. "What... the fuck... Sam?!" she wheezed through coughs. "Are you okay, (Y/N)?" He knelt beside her and put his hand between her shoulder blades. "Do I fucking..." She coughed once more, "look okay?!" She shook off his hand as she gained back her composure and stood to her feet, glaring at the man as he mirrored her actions. "I just... I want to go home. Okay, Sam?" She finally turned to him and walked past towards the Impala that was parked at the end of the alley way. She swore that this was going to be the last time she would be used as bait for the Winchesters... she also swore that last time and hunt before that. Something about a vulnerable girl looks so appealing to monsters of all kinds. "(Y/N), wait." Sam commanded as she stormed off to the Impala.

"No, you wait." She turned around, spitting out her words, "This is the fifth time I've been close to death, Sam! I'm fucking sick of it. I'm sick of playing damsel in distress, I'm sick of being bait, and I'm sick of seeing you and your brother's faces. I'm going home after this hunt. My mother needs me." Silencing Sam, she climbed into the passenger seat of the Impala, Sam in the driver's. "We'll get you home by morning." He was quiet as he turned the key in the ignition, the car roaring to life. It was a blessing that the motel was only two blocks away. Otherwise, they would be forced to sit in car in silence longer than they could ever bare to. As soon as 'Baby' pulled into the parking lot, (Y/N) shot out of the passenger's seat and to her motel room, fumbling with the keys. She couldn't bare holding in her hot tears any longer. Of course, she didn't want to let the youngest Winchester see her cry since he would only get more concerned for her.

The tears clouding her eyes made it harder to get the key in the hole, dropping them in her fit, a sob escaping her mouth. "(Y/N)..." his voice was more soothing that she expected it to be. "No, you don't get to comfort me, Sam. This is your fault." She bent down and picked up the keys, dropping them when she tried to open the door again. "Just let me..." He bent down, picking them up and unlocking the door for her. (Y/N) didn't turn toward him, not even a thank you leaving her lips as she stepped inside. Without warning, Sam stepped in after her, trapping her in her own room. "I want to be alone, don't you understand that?" (Y/N) sniffled, sitting on her bed and folding her arms, eyes not even making an effort to look at the man. "I'm sorry, (Y/N)." He was quiet, leaning against the dresser across from her, taking in the tears that were falling from her face. "I want to go home. I hate this job, I hate this world." She sniffled as she continued, "I wish I never met you, Sam. You make this so hard for me." Sam didn't even stop her from speaking, allowing her to get out everything that was on her mind.

"Every time I say I'm done with this job, you give me those stupid puppy dog eyes and you make me change my mind. Why the fuck do you have to be so cute?" (Y/N) picked up a pillow and threw it at the older man, only to have him catch it in the air. Sam attempted to stifle a chuckle, but to no avail, he let it rip. "Why are you laughing?" She finally looked up to him through teary eyes and stained cheeks. "You called me cute." He smiled, preparing for the hits that were going to come his way.

"That's not the point, Sam!" she stood up, her palms hitting his chest softly, a small smile crawling across her lips as she did, "Is that all you heard?" Sam looked away for a second, his smile growing bigger. "Might have been. And they're barely puppy dog eyes." He looked back into hers, eyes softening and smile waning away. "There they are. Those are the fucking puppy dog eyes." She looked away and sat back on the bed, "Sam, I mean it. You and Dean are taking me home in the morning. I'm done with this life. I don't want to be put on the line every other day." (Y/N) looked down once again as Sam sat down next to her. "I'm not disagreeing to you going home. You were willing to help us at first and you can leave whenever you want. We're not keeping you with us against your will. I'm not even going to beg you to stay this time because I can tell how upset you are." His hand was on her back again, but this time she didn't shake him away.

"You mean it?" her eyes finally looked up to his bright green ones that seemed to change color every day. Sam nodded, allowing the girl to lean into his body. "Thank you, Sam." When she finally looked back up to him, his face was closer than she expected it to be, growing closer by the second. Closing her eyes, she filled the gap between them, their lips meeting and dancing together in the quiet motel room. After a few seconds of being together, Sam pulled away and shook his head. "I better get going. I'm so sorry, (Y/N)." He stood up, but (Y/N) only grabbed his hand, stopping him from leaving. "Stay, Sam. Please." Her eyes were pleading, wanting more from him, her bare lips begging to be kissed once again. Sam considered shaking off her grip and just going back to his and his brother's motel room, but the longing look on her face convinced him otherwise. Placing one knee between her legs, he pushed the girl down so that she was laying down as he climbed on top of her. "Okay." His last word before bringing their lips together once again. (Y/N) couldn't help but smile. She sure was considering staying for him. 

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