Finding Shelter (Dean x Reader)*

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The hum of the Impala was probably the most relaxing thing that (Y/N) had ever heard

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The hum of the Impala was probably the most relaxing thing that (Y/N) had ever heard. It could send her straight to sleep after an exhausting hunt, which happened to happen today. Dean and (Y/N) had been hunting a pack of vampires that made Bloomington, Indiana their home. It didn't take much to wipe out the group, just pure luck that there were other hunters in the area that day. The Impala's gas tank was hovering at about a quarter when the pair checked out of their hotel rooms. "So, where to now?" She asked the eldest Winchester who had his eyes dead set on the road in front of them. "Bobby's. Sam's already there so we don't have to worry about him." (Y/N) had been traveling with the pair for about two years now, ever since she stumbled upon them in Pennsylvania. One would think that they saved her from something she couldn't handle, but it was quite the contrary. The Winchesters were more than used to hunting werewolves one at a time but when not one, not two, but three ganged up on the brothers, (Y/N) had come just in time to save the boys, being an expert in the werewolf hunting department.

It wasn't long after they passed Lincoln, Illinois that the beloved engine of the Impala began to sputter, forcing Dean to pull off onto the side of the road. "What's wrong?" (Y/N) sat up in her seat, looking from Dean to the dash board of the car. The man gave her an angered and annoyed look, "She's out of gas." His voice was a low growl. "So why are you mad at me?" (Y/N) spat out, furrowing her brow and crossing her arms. He rolled his eyes before turning off the vehicle and opening his door. "I'm not. I'm just annoyed at myself for not getting gas at the dozens of gas stations we passed up." He got out and walked around to the back of the Impala and grabbed a gas can out of the trunk. "C'mon. We got to walk."

"Walk? To a fucking town that's probably fifteen miles away?! It's midnight, Dean." (Y/N) protested, getting out of the car to get a good look at the man. "We're out of gas, (Y/N), what's your plan?" He threw his arms out to the sides of him. With nothing else to object to him, she remained quiet. "Don't worry, kid, I'll keep you safe from the coyotes and creepy white vans." Dean chuckled as he locked up the Impala as a precaution just in case they can't get back in time. The two began walking towards the direction that they last saw a gas station, which was about twenty minutes ago. Exhaustion was beginning to build up in (Y/N)'s body. It was known by both the boys that when she got to this level of tiredness, she began to get an attitude with them that could only be cured with sleep. It annoyed them immensely but they still dealt with it.

"You know what, Dean?" She pursed her lips. "What?" He could tell what was about to come next. "You're so fucking stupid for not stopping to get gas. You knew we needed gas. You even said it like five times. We wouldn't be stuck in this situation if it wasn't for you." Arguing was the only thing she knew how to do when it came to cases with extreme stress. "Sorry I'm not as perfect as you, (Y/N). Maybe I should just let you drive from now on. Oh wait, you might wreck the damn thing like you wrecked your car last year." He stopped in his tracks to face the shorter girl. "You take that back. That crash wasn't my fault and you know that." She pointed at the man, connecting her finger with his chest. "And you know it's not my fault that we're out of gas." His voice came out low and horse, chilling (Y/N) to the bone. Even though he wasn't a naturally mean person, he really did know how to scare (Y/N).

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