Coach (Coach!DeanxCheerleader!Reader) Pt. 2 *

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This has terrible smut in it and i recommend that you skip over it and go to the next one shot

This has terrible smut in it and i recommend that you skip over it and go to the next one shot

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The next day, school was filled with ignoring glances and giggles pointed directed towards (Y/N). It was apparent that Dante hadn't kept his mouth shut and blabbed to the entire school. If a teacher – or worse, the principal – caught wind of it, her school career could be compromised, not to mention Mr. Fitzpatrick's life. Oh, god. She tried to focus on the school work in front of her, distracting herself from her own thoughts. Every time she looked up, there was a new set of eyes on her, a new set of lips smirking at her, judging her without the need to say anything. As she directed her attention back to the page in front of her, the bell rang loud and clear through the speaker, signaling that the school day was over. 'Should I go talk to him? Is he even here still? Will he want to talk to me?' (Y/N) thought to herself, gathering her books into her bag and standing up out of the desk and making her way to the hall.

As she stepped through the doors, her phone chimed, an unknown number texting her. "(Y/N), it's Dean. Come to the coach's office if you can." It was both a sigh of relief and worry that escaped her lips as she headed in the direction of the gym, more than nervous to see him after the day she had. Bursting through the office door, (Y/N) gulped as she spoke, "Dante told people." Dean's eyes widened, spinning away from the computer to face her. "What?" He was less worried than her but still shared the same expression on his face. "Yeah, everyone has been looking at me and laughing." (Y/N) shook her head as Dean stood up, coming closer to her.

"Want to get out of here, then?" He picked up the keys from the desk and smirked, a hand finding its way around her waist. "Only if you do." She pulled him into a quick kiss, his lips soft and even more needy than she first expected. "You bet your ass I do." He pulled away and guided her out of the office, acting like nothing happened and turning off the lights. As they made their way down the hallway separately heading for the parking lot exit, he noticed the people smiling and laughing at (Y/N). She wasn't lying, but wouldn't they be looking at him, too?

"Need a towel, Wet-Head?" Dean recognized one of the football players and gave him a nasty look as he passed. Wait, Wet-Head? Dean let out a sigh of relief as he realized that they weren't making fun of her for what happened yesterday, but because she had a bottle of water dumped on her during class. From the looks of it, she was relieved, too, but still upset that they were calling her names. "C'mon, (Y/N), let's get out of here." They began walking faster to get away from the kids.

(Y/N) had no idea where Dean was taking her but when they pulled into a motel parking lot, her eyes widened. "Straight to the point, are we?" she chuckled, unbuckling herself and opened the car door. Dean didn't refrain from kissing her all the way to the door, tongues dancing as their feet tried not to tremble about. He pulled away for a second to unlock the motel door, leaving (Y/N)'s lips bare and pleading for more. As soon as it was open, he pushed her inside, turning on the light and closing the door behind him. "Wait, you're staying here?" She looked around before he ambushed her, hands running up and down her back as he pulled her shirt up.

"Yeah, I don't really stay in one place for a long time." He pecked her on the lips as she brought her arms up, allowing him to take off her shirt, revealing a black lace bra that he wanted to stare at all day. "God, you're beautiful." He marveled about her body, taking in every inch of her that was exposed. "I already know that, Sweetie." (Y/N) smirked before grabbing Dean by the shirt collar and throwing him on the bed. "So, it's going to be like that?" Dean's eyes turned something sinister, hungry for her and whatever she had to offer.

As she climbed on top of him, whatever this was supposed to be – sweet and soft – diminished to something different. Heated kisses, love bites up and down each other's necks, tight grips on each other filled the motel room. (Y/N)'s moans and Dean's low grunts lingered in the air, making them want more of what they had to offer. Soon, Dean's shirt was ripped off, along with (Y/N)'s bra and jeans. His hungry emerald eyes paused for a second as he took in her body and what he was going to do to her. Her hips ground against his clothed member, desperate for any kind of friction that would relieve the pit forming in her stomach. With Dean's hands on the bottom of her thighs, he flipped the girl over, unbuckling his belt himself and tossing it aside along with his shirt and soon, his jeans.

They brought their lips together once more, this time Dean bit her bottom lip causing a small whimper to escape from her mouth. It wasn't long until he realized he drew blood, but it didn't bother (Y/N) – not one bit. In fact, she wanted more from him. She wanted it to hurt. Ripping off her panties, Dean leaned down and kissed the soft lips between her thighs, making her spread her legs for him to have better access. Glancing up, Dean gave her a little smirk before his fingers began to trance her lips, parting them and leaning down more to scoop up the bundle of nerves between his lips and sucking.

A low moan escaped her lips as a jolt of pleasure coursed throughout her body, hips lifting off the bed. With a smile, Dean reached his arm around her to hold her down as he worked through her heat. He started with just one finger and that was enough to send (Y/N) off the edge, a hand over her mouth so she wouldn't disturb the other motel guests. Dean's tongue worked her clit, (Y/N) growing closer and closer to her release with every swift movement Dean made.

Inserting another finger, it didn't take long for him to find her spot, caressing and rubbing it. The pit in her stomach grew and grew, making it hard for her not to burst right then and there. Pushing his head away from her warmth, (Y/N) looked down to Dean who gave her a look of confusion. "I want to cum with you." Dean smirked, sitting up on the bed and taking off his remaining clothes, his member throbbing as he did. "Are you sure you're ready?" He motioned towards her warmth, a cocky smile crawling across his lips. Glancing down at him, (Y/N) winked before sitting up and stroking it gingerly. Through gritted teeth, Dean groaned, closing his eyes and turning his head up. "The real question is are you?"

Dean leaned down and rubbing her clit with the tip of his cock, (Y/N) hissing before grabbing ahold of his base and aligning it with her entrance. "Fuck me, Dean." She hissed into his ear, taunting him. "Got it, boss." He chuckled before entering slowly at first, allowing her to adjust to his size before softly thrusting all the way in. "You good?" He asked, waiting for an answer before continuing. His thrusts were long and slow, the pair taking in as much of each other as physically possible. "Harder." She commanded, hands digging into his back. With more confidence, his thrusts became harder and faster, helping her achieve the thing she wanted the most.

Moans and grunts filled the space in the room along with small pants as (Y/N) reached her orgasm, clutching to both Dean's shoulder and the sheet next to her. "Fuck! I'm cumming Dean!" She exclaimed, eyes shutting tightly as the knot in her stomach burst, sending waves of pleasure throughout her body. "I'm getting there, sweetie." Dean said through pants, leaning down and kissing her neck passionately. Kisses turned into love bites quickly as his release came quicker than he expected, pulling out. The warm liquid spilled on her stomach with every stroke Dean gave himself, low growls escaping his mouth as the orgasm took over him.

"Fuck that was hot." (Y/N) sat up once he was done and searching for a towel to wipe her off with. Just as he came out of the bathroom, the door to the motel room opened, Sam stepping inside to see his brother butt naked with a towel in his hands. "Oh god, Dean! Get some clothes on!" He exclaimed, continuing on into the motel room only to be faced with (Y/N), gathering her clothes quickly and dashing into the bathroom. "Really, Dean?!" Sam just shut his eyes in fear that another nude person would pop out right in front of him, "You made me walk back ten blocks to get alone time with... a student?" Dean shielded himself, a smile crawling across his lips. "She's eighteen, don't worry."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2017 ⏰

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