Coach (Cheerleader!ReaderxCoach!Dean) *

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"Mr. Fitzpatrick, we have practice." A student stuck his head in Dean's office, causing the man to shoot up from the computer. Quickly closing out his internet window, he clapped his hands and smiled at the boy, "I'll meet you boys out there. Just get started and I'll be out in a few minutes." Rolling his eyes, the boy stepped through the office and through the side door that led to the field.

'Damn these kids.' Dean thought to himself as he closed the notebook that was in front of him on the desk. He promised Sam that he would do research as soon as school got out but he was informed that he also had coaching duty last minute. He was beginning to get tired of this whole substituting thing to get closer to the ghosts inside the school.

The brothers did something similar a couple years ago at their old school and it went better when Dean was just the gym teacher. But now that he's not only substituting for the gym teacher, but the coach, too. Standing up, Dean fixed his shorts and grabbed the attendance clipboard off the desk before making his way out to the field. To his surprise, it looked like most of the team was already there... along with most of the cheerleading squad.

"Alright boys, I don't really know what you guys do. So, please, run me through it." Dean rolled his eyes as he sat down on the metal bleachers next to a couple cheerleaders. The girls took one glance at him and smirked at each other, obviously acknowledging how 'cute' the substitute was. The one closest to him turned towards him and smiled, "I can run you through it. I sit through enough practices to know their entire schedule."

The girl held out her hand to him, "My name is Brooke and this is Allison." The girl next to her smiled and waved but quickly turned her attention back to the football players who were all talking to each other. It was apparent that they ignored Dean's question, too consumed in their conversations to give a crap.

"The first thing the boys do is warm up, which they already did."

Next to Brooke, Allison smirked, "Oh yeah they did." Her eyes were on one of the player's behind, oogling it. Dean chuckled as he looked over at the girl who seemed to be drooling over the boys. Was this the real reason why the cheerleaders hung out after school for practice? "The second thing they have to do is sprint across the football field five times, then they have their first break."

"So, you're telling me that they're taking their first break right now?" Dean stood up from the bleacher and blew on his whistle, loud. The team turned towards him, a questionable look on their faces. "Why the hell aren't you sprinting?!" Dean yelled, waving his arms around in anger that they're taking advantage of the substitute. Shrugging, the boys looked at each other and started down the field in a sprint.

As Dean sat down, Brooke looked to him, impressed at how he could easily command the boys. "Usually, they put up a fit when Coach McLoughlin yells at them. Good job.... What's your name?" When Dean looked over at the girl, he noticed that she was closer than she originally was when he first came out to the field. He was starting to like it before he realized that she could be underage. This is a high school.

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