Kid's Memories (Reader x Dean)

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BTW THIS IS RELATED TO STALK (if you haven't read it, you don't need to. This one shot does fine on its own). If you're reading Stalk, you don't need to read this to progress any farther in the story. It is optional, but just a little memory the characters had together.

Also, for the first time, you guys are getting a first look at this one shot. It hasn't been uploaded to Tumblr yet, so celebrate :)

 It hasn't been uploaded to Tumblr yet, so celebrate :)

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June of 1996

Being only fifteen has its downsides during the long summer months. She may have her driving permit, but that doesn't mean that Bobby would let her go out driving whenever she wants – even though she's been given plenty of practice since she was thirteen thanks to Dean "My Dad Could Care Less What I Do" Winchester. When she asked her dad to drop her off in town or at the mall a town over, he gave the excuse he was working and too busy to bother. So, there she sat on her bed, a book in her hand since it was the only thing she could do because it was too blazing hot to go outside.

The hum of the cars driving past the salvage yard was only background noise to her adventures the Grimm brothers supplied her. Even though she read and finished the book around ten times now, it still made her feel like she was going on a new adventure with each tale she read. As she turned the page, a familiar grumble alerted her outside her window, followed by the sound of car doors shutting. Glancing outside her window, she spotted her new source of entertainment: The Winchester boys; the kids she grew up with ever since the young age of four.

When the youngest, Sam, spotted her, (Y/N) waved at him earning a wide smile from him, obviously excited to see her after months of being on the road. This was the regular, unfortunately. Their father, John, left the boys at her father's house when the hunts were too dangerous for the young ones. Dean, being seventeen, went with him more and more nowadays. This made (Y/N) upset with John. The boys were still too young to be hunting, though it's been a part of their whole lives. Especially Sam, who was an infant when he was brought into the hunting world via his father.

Dean, on the other hand, didn't look too happy to see Bobby's house. This usually meant he would be grounded within a few seconds of stepping in. In Bobby's home, half the things John thought were okay with Dean doing was considered a sin. When he was grounded, Bobby usually made him help him with his work, like researching for other hunters that need Bobby's help with their cases. Sam thought of Bobby's house as a vacation destination. Barely anything bad happened there, unless one of the three kids got hurt doing something stupid.

The trio disappeared under the porch roof and the sound of the door opening helped (Y/N) start the count down for when her door was going to open unexpectedly – but, very expected. Foot steps through the front door, ten. "Hey, Bobby! How are you doing?!" nine. Shoes being kicked off next to the door hitting the wall, eight. Footsteps leading up to the kitchen, seven. "Hey, John! What are you doing here?", six. Separate footsteps going to the bathroom, five. The sound of a toilet flushing and the sink running, four. The sound of the fridge door opening and closing, along with various cabinets in the kitchen, three. Two sets of footsteps stomping up the stairs, two. "Dude, quit pushing me.", one. The door knob rattles and the door bursts open, letting the two boys inside, boom.

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