I Need You (Soulless!Sam x Reader)

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(Y/N) stepped out of the Impala with the taller man, the crime scene already being investigated in front of them

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(Y/N) stepped out of the Impala with the taller man, the crime scene already being investigated in front of them. "Who should we talk to first?" she asked Sam, crossing her arms as they surveyed the scene. "You've done this a billion times, you should know by now." His attitude was really beginning to annoy her. Sam and (Y/N) had been together for about two years now, being with him ever since Dean was in Hell. Of course, their relationship suffered when Sam put himself in Hell as well. Although, (Y/N) was one of the first people that Sam contacted when he found himself back on earth. She was also one of the first people to notice that big, cuddly Sam was no longer... well, big, cuddly Sam. He was a stone cold hunter with no fears at all and absolutely no need for (Y/N) to be around basically. But, she stuck around to support him anyways when Dean and Cas found that Sam was lacking a soul. It was something he couldn't help and they were going to find a way to get his soul out of the cage. She was sure of it.

"The... the deputy on duty?" There was only one thing Sam got wrong that day. (Y/N) was never one to go to the crime scenes. She usually stayed behind at the motels, grabbing up as much information as she could from the internet about the cases. She turned her gaze to her boyfriend next to her, who had no expression at all and transfixed on the body that was still lying on the ground, torn to pieces. Without a warning, he began walking forward towards the deputy. (Y/N) took this as her que to follow him, grabbing her fake badge out of her pocket and holding it up with Sam's. "Officer." Sam greeted him, holding out his hand for the deputy to shake it, "I am Agent Reid and this is Agent Grey. Do you mind if we ask you a few questions about the... accident?" ((IF ANYONE GETS THOSE NAMES I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER))

Sam went on asking questions for the next five minutes, normal protocol. But, there was something different with him today. Every time (Y/N) opened her mouth to ask a question, she was quickly interrupted by the taller man. Of course, the deputy was unfazed by it, answering all of Sam's questions as much as he could. Once the two were back at the Impala, (Y/N) felt as if she was going to explode in anger at the boy. They were finally on the road heading back to the hotel when she finally said anything. "

"What the actual fuck was that, Sam?" She couldn't even bare to look at the man. "What?" He questioned, keeping his eyes on the road. "You! You're just a fucking jerk." She turned her head to look out the window, trying to avoid eye contact. "What do you think I did, (Y/N). All I did was do my job." She scoffed at him, throwing her hands up, finally turning her head towards the man. "So your job is interrupting me and not letting me speak at all now?" Sam furrowed his eyebrows, trying to search for the words that wouldn't make his girlfriend even more angry with him. When nothing came from his lips, (Y/N) just chuckled to herself, "Typical. You never have anything to say about what you do."

"Because I don't know what you think I'm doing, (Y/N)!" His eyes widened, slightly swerving on the road, causing him to slow down for both of their safety. "Of course you don't. Ever since you came back from Hell without your damn soul, you've been so fucking clueless as to how much of a fucking asshole you've been. I'm tired of it, Sam. It's like you don't even think before you do anything. It's all about you." The words spilled from her mouth as she crossed her arms, only becoming angrier than before.

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