Attack (Sister!Reader x Dean)

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"She's been gone for three hours, Sam

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"She's been gone for three hours, Sam. Are you sure that (Y/N) is okay?" Dean rocked his chair back and forth on it's back legs. The brothers were waiting for their sister to return with evidence from a victim's home. But, the only thing on Dean's mind was going out to eat like his younger brother promised once (Y/N) returned. "(Y/N) can handle herself well. She probably went to the bar or something to hustle guys, you know her." Sam didn't look up from his laptop as he spoke, which annoyed the hell out of Dean. Something deep down inside him was telling him that (Y/N) was in trouble. Yes, Sam was correct that she could handle herself, but that doesn't mean she could have been ambushed by whatever the trio was hunting.

"I'm going to find her." Dean shot up out of his chair and grabbed the keys to the impala, finally making Sam look up from his computer. "Dean, she is fine. Give it ten more minutes, she'll be back. You'll see." Sam's persuasion only made the older Winchester more frantic with his thoughts. "Man, what the hell is wrong with you? That is our sister out there... on her own! We've only been letting her go alone for a couple weeks, Sam. What if she isn't okay? What if she's being torn apart as we speak?" Basically, raising his younger siblings at a young age didn't help with his anxiety. He had responsibilities that no older brother should have had at his age and it only made him worry about the two even more when they weren't in his line of sight. Dean didn't say anything as he turned away from Sam and headed out the motel room door and straight to his impala which was parked right in front of the door.

As he drove toward the house the trio passed up earlier in the day, his fingers were sloppy at dialing his little sister's number, something he's been trying to do for hours back at the motel. The house seemed to be right around the corner and there, in the driveway, was (Y/N)'s rental car along with it. It was empty since the victim didn't have any friends or family living with them, making it very easy to inspect the house for the usual things, which the brothers left to (Y/N) since it was the simplest part of the job aside from actually questioning witnesses.

Dean parked right behind (Y/N)'s car and turned off the engine. He didn't like the sound that followed... which was nothing. Complete silence. To some, that would be good, maybe even peace upon their stress. But Dean knew (Y/N) and he knew that she wasn't a quiet person. Wherever the girl went, she would wreak havoc. He stepped out of the car and immediately trotted to the side door of the house, not even bothering to knock. "(Y/N/N)?" Dean called out as he stepped into the dirty kitchen. A pungent smell hit his nose, making him take a step back. His eyes searched around the source, landing on the multitude of dirty dishes piled up in the sink. "I'll take what's a maid for $500." He joked to himself as he continued his way into the house, which definitely wasn't any better looking than the kitchen sink.

"(Y/N)?" Dean tried one more time, hoping that he would hear his sister's voice calling out, even if it's a cry for help. He just wanted to know she was okay and alive. As he rounded the living room, he found many - interesting – magazines scattered all over the coffee table. "Ooh, Busty Asian Beauties. I'm goin' to save this for later." The man bent down and picked up one of his favorite erotic magazine, rolled it up and placed it in his back pocket. Just as he did, a rustling was heard in the basement, causing him to turn around quickly, gun pointed at the cellar door, ready to shoot whatever it was down there. Taking a deep breath, the man gained his confidence back after being startled and made his way to the doorway that lead to the stairs. Dean silently crept down the stairs, trying not to disturb whatever was making noise down there so he could sneak up on it.

When he reached the final step, his eyes searched for whatever was making the noise but to his surprise, there was nothing. That was until a hard punch landed directly on his jaw, making it click at the impact. Another hit was planted on his opposite cheek, making him take a few staggering steps backward, but immediately recovered and pushed his surprise opponent to the ground in a tackle, knees on either side of it's stomach. "(Y/N)?!" Light from a cellar window shown on the figure's face revealed it was who Dean was looking for this entire time. "Sorry, I saw you and my first instinct was to attack."

"You didn't hear me calling your damn name?" Dean rolled off of the girls stomach, standing and holding his hand out to her. "Oh, I did." She smirked and began walking up the stairs, "I definitely did."

"What? No sorry? Why can't you pick up your fucking phone once in a while. I thought you were in trouble." His hand made it's way to his jaw, rubbing it as he felt a bump appearing where she had first struck him. "That fucking hurt." He followed the girl upstairs and into the living room. "Well, it was kind of meant to hurt, right? That's what you taught me." (Y/N) sat on the couch across from the smut littered coffee table. "Hey, where's the Busty Asian Beauties mag?" Her eyes met with Deans, who was still trying to calm down from being completely ambushed by his little sister.

"Why?" He cocked an eyebrow, hand running over the rolled up magazine in his back pocket. "Because, dummy, I was going to take it back. Obviously, Pete has no need for it anymore, does he?" She began to search through the magazines as a smile crept onto Dean's face. "You're just like me, aren't you, (Y/N/N)?"

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