Chapter Twelve (Macy POV)

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I woke up to a warm hard object nudging my side, I opened my eyes and Fulgur's black and blue head in my face, I almost yelped but I stopped myself and looked over to my right to see Dan's head rested on my shoulder with his eyes closed.

Macy if we want to get away we'll have to go now while the moon is out and there are shadows everywhere. Fulgur said.

Yeah. I said back, I reached up and nudged Dan a bit "Dan wake up." I said.

"Eeeeeeeh." he grumbled and opened his eyes a bit "it's still dark." he complained.

"That's the point Dan, now get up we have to go." I said getting out of his embrace.

He groaned and stood up, I stood up as well and looked at Fulgur who was muttering something under her breath that I couldn't hear, she put her wing over us and it seemed that nothing happened. We started out of the cave and when I looked around here were army people searching everywhere and then some, I accidentally stepped on a twig and some army guys pointed their guns in our direction, they were looking right at us but they didn't shoot, they just stood there confused.

They can't see us? I asked Fulgur.

No I've manipulated the shadows to cover us and make us invisible, of course if we move they'll see us but if we stay still while they're looking then they can't. She said staying still.

Oooooh, nice trick. I said back.

Thanks. She said, the army men soon looked away and went back to they're searching and we continued walking, we only had to stop a few times when someone spotted us but other than that no one noticed us at all. We walked for a while until we got to a fenced in old run down lab that looked abandoned.

I frowned as we got closer. I'm not working in there. I said.

You have to. Fulgur said, she grabbed the back of my shirt and lifted me over the fence, she dropped me on the other side and did the same with Dan who almost landed on top of me. She took a moment to back up and do a running jump over the fence and into a clearing, I laughed when she sneezed because of the pine needles that got in her nose from what few of them were piled on the ground.

I walked over to the door and pulled on it but it wouldn't budge an inch "I've got this." Dan said, he walked up and punched a hole in the glass door and unlocked it after feeling around a bit, I pulled the doors open and we walked in, after we were in I looked at Dan's hand and there wasn't a scratch on him.

What the? I thought. I quickly dismissed it and looked in a window on the next iron door and saw a bunch of chemicals on desks and on the floors, I grabbed a gas mask off of a nearby rack and some rubber boots just in case, Dan did the same and we walked in the room once we were covered well enough, I looked around and flicked the lightswitch.

"Creepy." Dan said as the lights flickered a bunch before only half coming on.

"Yeah, you're telling me." I agreed. Alright Fulgur, what am I starting with? I asked.

Start with the gas that you breath out, if you're human it'll be carbon dioxide, if you're a dragon it'll be helium. She said.

Great, now I have to take off my mask. I thought. I looked around for something that could test gases and it didn't take me long to find it "Dan go turn that on." I said pointing at the machine in the corner, we walked over and I found a syringe. How am I gunna do this. I asked myself, I took a deep breath and held it, I pulled the mask off a bit and put the needle in my mouth, I pulled on the handle till it was what I assumed was full. I quickly pulled my mask back down and went over to Dan, I put the gas into the machine and told him to watch it and tell me what the readings were.

Alright, now in the back of your throat there is a flap that prevent the backtrack of fire. Fulgur said.

How did you know I was done? I asked.

I'm looking through your eyes. She said, I walked over to a mirror and my left eye had turned slitted and dragon like.

Could you stop giving me tasks that involve taking off my mask until I test the air in this place. I said irritably.

Fine, cut yourself. She said.

WHAT?!? I yelled.

Don't worry, you'll heal fast, it's a good thing about being a dragon, we heal faster than humans. She said, I grumbled and found a knife, I grabbed it and went over to the sink to clean it off.

"I got the reading!" Dan shouted from the other end of the lab.

"What's it say?!" I shouted back.

"Helium!" He shouted, I stopped in the middle of cleaning the knife to take a double take.

HA! Told you!! Fulgur said.

Shut up! I said. I shook it out of my head and cleaned the knife off "it's just a coincidence, the machine must be broken." I muttered to myself.

"What are you doing?" Dan said as he walked over.

"She told me to cut myself." I said.

"WHAT?!?!?" He yelled.

"That's what I said, anyway, have some bandages ready, I saw a bunch over there." I said motioning to a box with bandages and wraps over flowing it, he nodded and went over to them. Once I saw sure the knife was good and clean I held out my arm and put the blade to the top of my arm, I gulped, suddenly scared of the pain that I was about to feel. I don't want to. I said to Fulgur.

Do it you wimp, I'll even use magic to lessen the pain. She growled.

My eye twitched at the word wimp, man she really knew how to push my buttons, I took a deep breath and made a small cut on the top of my arm. I watched as blood dripped down my arm and onto the floor, but surprisingly after I removed the blade it stopped bleeding and the cut closed up almost instantly. I blinked and expected it to come back but my arm really healed in the matter of a second, this was getting weird and I looked around for an air monitor, I found one after looking through drawers for about 5 minutes, I grabbed it and turned it on but it was out of batteries. Dang it!! I thought.

Bring it out here, I'll give it power to work. Fulgur said.

How? I asked like she hasn't already blown my mind enough tonight.

I'm part Lightning dragon, Lightning and electricity, what's the difference. She said.

That's not exactly how it works but ok. I said, I walked out of the building and opened the compartment that revealed the batteries, I held it out to Fulgur when I got to her and she put a claw on it, I saw a spark of blue and heard a beep, I turned it around and it was on. Thanks. I said, I went back inside and tested the air in the lab, it said it was safe so I pulled my gas mask off and breathed in.

Alright now look for the flap in the back of your throat. Fulgur said.

I rolled my eyes and looked around for a mirror, there wasn't one of course but I decided to go with the next best thing, I grabbed the knife and my phone, I stuck the knife in my mouth and felt around at the back of my throat, all the while I had my phone's camera open to look around, I cut myself a little and it hurt but I felt the wounds heal almost instantly. Finally I poked the back of my throat and I expected to feel blood go down my throat but when I lifted the knife a little sure enough there was a flap of rough looking flesh, I dropped my phone and threw the knife away. This isn't happening, this shouldn't be possibly. I thought as I started to freak out.

Now, DNA check, since you're a dragon, you don't product human insulin, or milk. Fulgur said.

I looked around and shakily picked up the syringe from earlier, I stuck it in my arm and sucked out a little blood, and just like before, when I pulled it free the wound healed, I stared wide eyed at my blood, this couldn't actually be happening could it, I can't be a dragon.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2018 ⏰

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