chapter 11.

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Skye's POV

3 Years Later.

I'm 16 today..

and this is the day I'm going to North Carolina for a visit.

What if I see Hayes?

I want to see Hayes, I need to see Hayes.

"Dadddd when are we gonna be there?" I whine.

"In 5 minutes, be patient Skye." my dad says sternly then I nod.

"dad" I whisper so he wouldn't get annoyed.

"Yes Skye." my dad says and sighs.

"Can I get my first arm tattoo?" I smile at him and do my best puppy dog face, let me tell you one thing about it, It's not pretty.

"Okay, fine whatever. Just stop asking questions Delilah, please." my dad says, he's only serious when he uses my middle name.

"Ok." I say, suddenly I want to ask a question but I can't.

Jayden and Jake are already at the house we rented, And Shane is sleeping.

I'm squished.

gah, hep meh

I'm got bored so I tickle Shane's foot, big mistake.

Shane kicked me, in the face.

"GAH!" I yell.

"What? what happened?!" my dad asked concerned.

"Shane kicked me in the face!" I whine and rub my nose.

"You tickled my foot! I wasn't just gonna thank you!" Shane said.

"Okay, Okay. We are here." my dad says.

"WOO!" I yell as I fist pump and accidentally hit Shane's nose somehow.

"Ow! Skye watch it!"

"Shut up, be a man." I say as I walk out the now parked truck.


Back in North Carolina!:)

I instantly got a lot if retweets and tweets.



I hope I see your beautiful face after 3 years. <3


I got a text from my boyfriend, Kyle.. we got back together..

From Kyle<3

Why the fuck is Hayes happy to see you? you fucking slut.

To Kyle<3

I didn't do anything, he was just happy to see me again..

From Kyle<3

You better not be lying, bitch.

I didn't reply, and I'm not lying.

in fact in standing.

Kyle says that relationships are exactly like ours, he abuses me and stuff but I don't tell my brothers because Kyle would hurt me more..

I feel so useless..

I decided to go for a walk.


When I got back Jayden was in my room and on my phone.

"What the fuck Skye!" Jay yelled.

"What?" I whispered

"Why is Kyle a fucking ass to you? was he the one who have you those bruises? I should have fucking known!" Jay yelled, Shane and Jake came running in here.

"What's wrong?" Jake and Shane yelled.

"Kyle is abusing Skye!" Jay yelled angrily, fuck.

"What?!" they yelled in sync.

"I- Uh- Kyle-" I was lost for words, literally.

"Kyle is gonna get it when I see him, no one hurts my baby." Jake says as Jay and Shane nods.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, he said he would h-hurt me m-more." I say as I tear up.

"Skye, no one is going to hurt you, we are gonna make sure of that." Jay says as he smiles.

"Thanks, I love you all." I say as I smile at them.

"I love you too baby/angel" was heard from those 3 boys.

"I'm going sleep now, night." I say as I smile and walk over to turn the lights off, Jake is still in my room.

"Skye, If I see another bruise on your skin I will beat the shit out of him." Jake says.

What makes Jake so scary? he's in the military.

and he has big muscles, sometimes when he hugs me I can't breathe.

"O-Okay, Night J, love you." I say and smile.

"Night angel, love you." he says as he walks out and to the kitchen or wherever.

From Kyle<3

I'm going to North Carolina to see you, you better be feeling lucky.

To Kyle<3

Thanks, night.

Kyle didn't reply after that.

Hey there, Delilah. (Hayes Grier)Where stories live. Discover now